Does anyone here speak/read Japanese? I know a very little bit. When I was a little girl, we would listen to Japanese folk songs in the car. I remember listening to songs about Buddha and other various things. Never really could pick up all the big phrases and reading though but I'm working on it now. So yeah. This all was mostly because my mom is Japanese and she wanted all of us (meaning my siblings and I) to know about our heritage. This didn't stick with my siblings though. I'm the only one who really has gotten into all of it. Heh. So I'm going to get into why I named this post the name I did. Okay. *takes a veerry deep breath* Here it goes.
For all of you who've been reading since that post when I very loudly and angrily declared that I was a girl and not a guy, you may remember me bringing up a singer named katethegreat19 who does youtube videos. Yeah, I know it sounds sort of weird and prone to be crappy. Now, this is just my opinion, but she (the singer I mentioned) is really good. She writes lyrics to Final Fantasy songs, especially IX, and is making a CD. She does this ALL BY HERSELF. I dunno about anyone else but that is pretty darn incredible. I can't imagine the time and the effort she must put into all that. So anyways, a while ago, she released this recording of "Yuki no Hana" a very ethereal song about, well if I told you that wouldn't be fair. Now, she did an AMV to go along with that song using clips from Valykrie Profile. Here's the link: If any of you hate it, feel free to yell at me or anything. Yeah all of that explanation was really bad so just go and watch the video already! :x