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Prey Demo

I've given myself some time away from the games, just to see where i get.  and i am at a place where i can tolerate games again, but i don't think i'll be able to jump onto oblivion for another week, at least.

I played the prey demo, and while it is a very basic fps, i did find myself getting into the game, for what i could.  i was kind of disapointed that i didn't get to go further (the demo IS only so long).  I would say, even though there isn't much of a storyline or excitement on the side of half life, it was a very intriguing game to paly, if you don't really want to think about anything and just blow stuff away.  and i do have to say that the game's graphics were definiately up there in quality, half the enviroment almost makes you want to turn your head and get sick for a second (like tommy did at least once while i was playing-seriously, he puked in the game), the visuals mixed with the audio makes for a very interactive feeling.  although for some reason there was some glitching on the graphics for me.  i don't think i'll be getting prey, not right now anyways, maybe when they drop the price to about 20-30 dollars.  i can't see myself purchasing it before then.

next demo to play i believe will be F.E.A.R.  I've heard and read some good things about it, so i do have high expectations.  if i enjoy the demo the way i'm told i will, fear will be on my list of must-haves.