my first achivement was once again.. fear of the pink mist on halo 3 my latest was eight of white on ng2 (beat the eight test of valor) it was too easy.. xD
twohalos3's forum posts
I think i find there's never enough ff games because of one thing, happens to almost all of the fans: play the game think its great, get halfway through it think its the greatest. finish it and you go yeah whatever.. get almost everything think the game is getting boring, never play it again unless your very bored.
it's what happens to me every time i get a new ff game ex:ffvii crises core (my favourite) ffxii (second favourite) and ffii
anyways, thats my personal opinion on why there should be more ff games... ;)
brawl code:3866 9370 9271
remember to pm me your code after adding me :3866 9370 9271
they stoped adding to it
everyone who has super smash bros brawl add this wii code if you have any room 7091 3865 9248 4401
thanks.. just started wi-fi so i need some....uhh well just tell me once you've added me
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