Yes, it is me again, the man who actually has taste and standards. I like my games to be at least competent in one area or 2. Divinity Original Sin was, this wasn't.
Unmodded, Bethesda games are like a massive swimming pool of sewer water. Sure, you can pride yourself in its size, but that just means more sewage for you to swim through.
Not saying you got poor taste, you probably've played more rpg than me. BUT you nitpick on negetives too much on most games. Say if i'm wrong on this :P
In this case, he isn't wrong, Fallout 4 is a terrible game by just about any standard. It's poor by just about every metric except for when it comes to extensibility.
Really Dunno how you guys find FO 4 Terrible, its much improved upon Fallout 3 , New Vegas in every way. More action oriented and fun. Hell i'm enjoying it more over Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim lol.
Let's see:
- It is graphically extremely poor
- The writing is terrible
- The dialog system is poor, overly restrictive, redundant, and removes any semblance of true role playing
- The voice acting is lifeless, with no expression or inflection to convey the true tone of what is being said
- The leveling system is terrible, with no true flexibility offered in builds, and multiple skills and leveling paths that are redundant and pointless
- Quests are almost always 'go to Point A, follow trail to Point B, clear waves of enemies, come back to collect reward
- The companion system is half heartedly implemented- I spent fifty hours helping people and gained very little favor with Valentine, but then stole one little bolt by mistake and suddenly I'm a villain?
By literally no standard is Fallout 4 even a good game. It is at its very best very mediocre, and at its worst an outright bad game (which it is more often than not). And by no standard is it better than Morrowind, Skyrim, or even Oblivion (can't seak for the other Fallout games, because I haven't played those).
Sorry, but Fallout 4 is a terrible game. The fact that it came right after Witcher 3, which is a transcendental open world RPG experience, makes it seem even worse by comparison. Bethesda are five, ten years behind the curve now, and it shows.
So damn true
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