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Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix

Mario Party 2

WWF No Mercy

World of Illusion: I Love Mickey & Donald - Fushigi na Magic Box

Def Jam: Fight for NY

Need for Speed: Underground 2

Yoshi's Cookie

WWE WrestleMania XIX

Mario Kart DS

WWF War Zone

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

WWE SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain

Super Mario Bros.

WWF WrestleMania 2000

Dance Dance Revolution with Mario
DDR mario mix is a good game for the DDR fans and nintendo fans everywhere.
DDR Mario Mix has a good amont of songs but I know what you guy are going to say too short not you need to unlock all the songs by playing the EX story mode and the reguler story mode. the music has a good mario mix to i... Read Full Review
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Mario Party 2
Mario Party 2 is for a childish person.
Mario Party 2 is a alright game. But there are problems but we will get there later. One thing I like about mario party 2 is that mario can be in space suits and pirite costumes. Mario party only has a few amont of ninte... Read Full Review
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ECW Hardcore Revolution
Ah a other ecw game!
Ah ECW the most Hardcore wrestling ever came to the N64, GBC, PS1, And the Dreamcast in 1999. Ecw hardcore revoultion is a soild market game. You have many match type like barbed wire matches. the game is to much like ... Read Full Review
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Kingdom Hearts II
Rellay fun has a great fell to it and the dinsey style!
This is a great PS2 title. Kingdom hearts 2 is a Dinsey game. It has a 4 Hour how to play with Poor screwed up roxes. Then with sora, Oh the places you'll go. Yes i think some of the levels are pointless. I played zelda ... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Yoshi's Story
Yoshi's story is a game for nintendo fans
Yoshi's Story is a lot like yoshi's island for the SNES. and GBA. what they where trying to do here is that they wanted to make the yoshis 3D and they did a good job. toss eggs and beat baby bowser. you are trying to sav... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
WWF War Zone
WWF War zone Is not a descrase. Even know this game was made in 1998 In that time the game can be a bit updated...
WWF war zone is a Very good game, But the roster is More 1997 then 1998, Like Bret hart, and ahemd johnson. The create a wrestler mode is Awesome. And the commentry shold be Jim ross instead of Vince Mcmahn. The game p... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Need for Speed Underground 2
Next to big rig off road raceing i mean this sucks!
This ame sucks cliping is horrable worser then raw 2. graphics suck there like ps1 graphics. its too hard because i'f you make a mistake or i'f a car past you its almost imposable to pass them. gameplay is sucky. I'ts li... Read Full Review
2 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing
this is the worse game in the world. i'ts worser then wwe wrestlemaina 21 for the xbox. you can't do a donut you spin spin spin then stops. I bough't this to tease my friend he hated it. sound is just plan, how can i s... Read Full Review
2 of 4 users found the following review helpful
Yoshi no Cookie
A game that is probley the best puzzle game EVER!
Yoshi's cookie is awesome. at start it gets boring then i'ts so fun you get addicted to it. yoshi and mario look awesome but all they do is turn a handle or soming. there are 3 Speeds a cookie can go low, Med, OR high. ... Read Full Review
0 of 2 users found the following review helpful
Yoshi Topsy-Turvy
Yoshi has been a round for years i'f you are a yoshi fan this is for you!
Yoshi Topsy turvy is a good game it has all the people from past games shy guys there all in there. one good thing is the tilt screen its awesome! there iis 6 sperits that are just not right for a yoshi game. one thin... Read Full Review
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WWE WrestleMania 21
Not a wrestling game more like a crapfest
WWE games are great but wrestlemaina 21 is not the best game out there. One thing i like is the graphics. i don't like the fact that the online is busted. one time turing season i was playing then it froze its just stupi... Read Full Review
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Super Mario Bros.
The Good Old Super Mario Brothers Game, One that rocked nintendo Up to the top, Well, Til Yoshi came. Anyways You can Get Pass this game is over 6 Mins or less. Super mario Brothers is awesome because the warp zone, Beca... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpful
Rumble Roses
Only fun for a few days then gets old boring and sad!
Rumble roses is a all female game for the PS2. there are many problem with the game. 1 almost no match types NOT EVEN A TAG TEAM MATCH. they story SUCKS. becasue it's too short. i hate the vow system. One thing i love ab... Read Full Review
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WWE WrestleMania X8
Ah i think this wwe game is one that isgood and not, that good at the same time.
wwe wrestlemaina X8 is the first wwe game on the gamecube i love the match types. But the hell in a cell match is poor you can't throw your opponent off the cell i'f you try he will just land on his neck. the create a su... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpful
WWF WrestleMania 2000
This game has what it takes.
This WWE Game For the N64 Called Wrestlemaina 2000 Has whats it takes to be a perfect wrestling game Rellay All the Older WWE Wrestlers are in the game, Maikind, Meat, Tharsher, are all in there. I'f you RELLAY want a ... Read Full Review
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Famicom Mini: Super Mario Bros.
Super mario bros. was made for the NES in 1983 and it was a awesome game. but 20 years later they made super mario bros. for the GBA and it does not fit in with the classic games with these proplems. 1. Same game, 2. Mul... Read Full Review
0 of 5 users found the following review helpful
WWF No Mercy
the best game for wrestling next to Fire Pro wrestling
Ok, this game is AMAZING its perfect and many people play it to this day. WWF/E No mercy is simply the Best Game The WWE ever released. PERIOD. even If you never Texture moded it its still amazing. the CAW mode is Loaded... Read Full Review
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Mario Kart DS (DS Bundle)
Best Mario kart game! read this and find out!
Over the past years mario kart was not a big thing, but this one turned the tables! you get 8 basic players in the game " you can unlock more as you play grand prix". the wepons are off he chart i rellay love the the blu... Read Full Review
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WCW/nWo Revenge
wcw/nwo revenge is a whole lot better then world tour. but did they stop all the bad problems. Read and find out!
WCW NWO rvevenge is a good game, but it has many problems. But lets get to the good stuff! the moves did improve. they have all the right finishers, all the superstars look great! and look like they are suppost to, and y... Read Full Review
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WCW vs. nWo: World Tour
This game is fun, but i'f you love Snes wrestling games get this.
WCW vs. NWO world tour is fun but there is more then just grahics because they are bad! like Ric flair's face looks happy and clean, plus smached. they don't look good. the games music is bad like a war game. the game ... Read Full Review
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Sonic the Hedgehog 2
One of the Best
In 1992 Sonic 2 was out and one o the best thing about sonic 2 is that there are 2 acts makeing you go threw the worlds faster. Once again sonic is after Robintik. This game was Tails's Debut so this is a vary good game ... Read Full Review
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