tydon1113 / Member

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tydon1113 Blog

A Looooong Time Has Past

It's has been the longest time since I've written a blog....

Well, I started school 2 weeks ago (which really sucks)

I've been recording songs on my computer which has been real fun.

I really need to get new friends online...

Sigh... sadly, that's it...

Over and out...

Bored Right Now...

I'm obviously dead bored right now... I've been playing around with my new webcam i got a while ago. It's not thaaaat great, but it is satisfying. I went to my first pro-baseball game at U.S. Cellular Field in Chicago last night to see the Sox. I'm not a big fan of baseball, so if you write a comment, don't put any baseball comments because I'm prolly gonna only understand 60 % of what you're saying... I haven't been on since last week... I've been getting to become a Fullmetal Alchemist fan, but don't wuiz me, because I don't have a great memory...

Not Much To Say Today

I was gonna buy a webcam today to record my guitar playing and post it on FB... but my little sis just happened to notice she had a violin lesson... *sigh* i'll try tommorow again... Anyhow, I'm starting to get the hang of getting aroung Gamespot! Yay! I'm going to start school soon, which is a real bummer... Oh! I am starting a manga series called Kekkaishi (I totaly didn't spell that right...). It's awesome. Sorry, if you're like "What the heck is that?!?!?!?!?" just look it up on the internet... Well, that's it for today!

Whatever is on my mind...

Today, I'm gonna write about whatever... so, let's get started... Some of you might be wondering what my favorite Wii game is. It is Super Smash Bros. Brawl! My one and only favorite Wii game. My favorite characters are Ike and Link. I don't care what a lot of people say about Ike is horrible because of his lack of speed... Link is a pretty fast character! The shadow costume is great! I have Mario Kart Wii. I hardly play it though... I never beat it (sadly)... The Castle of Shikigami III is a great game! I just got it last week. I'm not sure if there is more to the story... That's what I always wonder... Photoshop CS3 is a great tool for the PC! I'm not a pro (sadly)... I wish I was. I've been making fusions of pics. I'm starting to learn HTML... It is pretty simple. I have an xbox. My fave games are Halo 2 and Battlefront 2. I kind of like Dynasty Warriors and Sims 2. That is it for today! Thanks for reading, Tydon

First Day In Gamespot

Today is my first day in Gamespot. I have been informed about this website from my friend... unfortunately, he does not have an account. I will share to you about me. I am 15. I have been a Christian since 4 years old. I am attending a private school in the United States. I am half Filipino and Chinese. I am wanting to be a game programmer as my career. I love playing PC, Wii, and DS games. On the computer, I use the program RPG Maker XP as my favorite game. I play the instruments guitar, piano, and drums. I have formed a band called Heaven Down. If you want to join or be a guest in the band forum, you may. Here is the link: heavendown.activeboard.com Thank you so much for spending the time to read this. I'm not always on the internet, so I might not write something on my blog every single day... I will try to remember, though. Thanks, Tydon1113