sony is indeed the pioneer of gaming. the only company that cares about gamers
Sony isn't getting any credit or praise for Shareplay because it's Microsoft's idea LOL.
it was one of the features on XB1's initial system structure plan that people were "supposedly" so upset and offended about. Microsoft then restructured things to what people said they wanted, and Sony stole the idea.
now we have people trying to drum up praise for Sony after damning MS for trying to implement their initial Family Share plan lol. funny how that works.
wow at that delusion. even for a lem this crosses the line
would you say that its almost cow worthy? that level of delusion. if that's the case then maybe i should get on some meds, or something. if only to avoid being like your fool ass lol.
Their wealth is not a factor of ones existence. Their accomplishments are not yours.
their accomplishments? you realize cows are just guys that play VIDEO GAMES on one particular system, right? the only real difference is they're mentally disturbed lol. or do you think this all actually means shii? its just a hobby...a frivolous one at that.
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