I've beaten RE Rebirth again a few days ago. It felt good living up to my own promise, 'cause I told myself to beat this game this vacation, and I did, so "Yay"..:D
Anyway, if you were wondering what I ment with the title, I've completed this game 8 times (adding this one), but this was the first time I've completed it with Chris, Which was rather different than completing it with Jill. You have no Lockpick so you have to find extra keys for those doors (which is a real pest, 'cause playing with Jill those doors open like it's nothing). You won't be able to get Barry's gun, 'cause you will flatout not see him in the story. You'll have to face Plant 42 (4th boss) yourself (unlike with Jill, where you could just infect a side of it with yourown mixure of "toxic" stuff, and then eventually barry saves you from the monster in a cinematic).
But there are also some cool stuff, like you have a grenade, if a creature attacks you, you can shove it in there mouth and then shoot it and it's head will explode, that's really cool and easy. You can also find a flamethrower (that actually works), althought I haven't found it:?, but I've seen it and heard about it. Instead of Barry, you have Rebecca accompaning you, which takes the story on a totally different road. Also your conversations with Wesker turn out totally different as well, and some more changes.. Anyway it's cool completing this whole different game, I should do it again, and that will be a priority next vacation:D