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holiday summary (for now, that is)

I admit it's been pretty long since my last blog, I really had moments where I had things to say, but wouldn't because of lazyness.. I think to myself, what am I doing, if I can't just spend 2 minutes in writing a blog saying what I have to say.. no, I have to prospone it of course, and that's when you get this.. a summary. A summary of everything I have yet to say. Well, I guess the smartest thing to start with is the beginning (naturally).

The Exams went brilliantly:D, well according to my report card they did:P. I didn't fail at anything:D! Yay! To get in the mood of the holidays, I went to the movies right after I finished my last exam, that felt great:D, the freedom! I went to see Casino Royale with a friend of mine:) (I'm sort of a James Bond fan..) It was an awesome movie:D. I had tons of critisism at first, but afterwards I realised this was the greatest Bond movie I had ever seen:D!

Merry Christmas (better late than never I'd say:P).This Christmas the entire family went to a chinese restaurant, it was pretty fun, usually we just eat at my grandparent's place, but now it was chinese.. mixing it up8)! Anyway, afterwards we went home and it was time to unpack some presents :D! I got a new cellphone:D (not that I need one or something, I hardly used my old one. Still, it was a pretty neat gift:P) I got candy you know and a James Bond book which was writen after (not before) the movie.. (I haven't even started reading it :P). I also got a few movies, Micky Blue Eyes (meh, not really my type of movie but whatever, I don't hate it:)) and a movie starring my favourite actor.. I never thought any of his movies could dissappoint, however out of all the movies that I hadn't seen of him my mom picked a musical... ok, she didn't know it was something like that, but Edward Norton or no Edward Norton, I am not watching a musical! Then at last I started to wonder.. I only wanted one thing and that of which I hadn't gotten, I was getting a little nervous already.. my mom knew the title of the game and everything (and that's something) at first I was positif I would get it, but after opening all the presents I couldn't help but feel a little dissappointed.. But then! then my mum came with one last present! a game wrapped by our local gamestore, gamemania. At long last I had the game I had been waiting for, the sequel to the best game ever made.. The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

A few days ago I had 2 friends over, which was awesome! We played Mario Kart (N64) all night:D! well.. not exactly all night, but a long time :P. We did stay up all night though, wathching The Da Vinci Code. I had already seen it, but whatever, I love seeing movies multiple times:D! (once I had seen American Pie 6 times in one week:P, such an awesome movie:)). After my friends left the next day me and my mom went to see You, Me And Dupree at the movietheatres. Pretty good movie, starring Owen Wilson:). Of course my mom did not like it.. she really can't appreciate movies, I can't name one movie she likes.. buh, whatever.

I don't know whether this was the worst or the best new year, my mom went to party and thus I stayed home the entire time, watching my tapes of Friends and playing my new game. And for the first time ever I forgot to count down.. damn:?, I realised that when it was 00.12h.. Also I didn't have money on my cellphone so I couldn't even send textmessages with happy new year and stuff to my friends, not even to Kathlijn:(.. buh.. that sucked. well, you guys have a great new year;)!

LOZ:TP is really an awesome game, the best gamecube game I own without a doubt. This one is the closest to the Ocarina Of Time.. almost.. I don't know what it is, I love this game, yet Ocarina Of Time is still better somehow.. Anyway.. it took me about 70 hours to complete.. the adventure itself lasted me about 50 hours I guess.. I still haven't completed all the sidequests though, there's way more to do:D. All in all this game was a little too easy at times. it took me months to complete LOZ:OOT, yet this game only took me a week. A full review is on the way, I'm gonna start writing it tomorrow, we'll see where it goes:P.

that was pretty much it:).. I hope everyone's still enjoying their vacation to the fullest, I'm gonna watch one more episode of Friends and then it's off to bed, I guess.. Best regards to all of my friends out here, See Yah;)