It's been a while since my last blog (not that anyone missed me here though:P..), but I'm back to make up for it now.. I'm not sure where to begin really:P.. euhm..
Good news :D, I'm finally past the first bunch of hunters in RE:CVX:D
I also beat the 3rd part of the game and now reached the 4th and last part:). I also beat the 3rd boss and I'm now stuck at the 4th. The third boss was the Albino.. (not really spooky name, is it:P) which is this kind of salamander mutation and is full of electricity, so all it does is fire bolts of electricity in the water it's swimming in. The upside is.. you don't have to go in the water to kill him. In other words I beat the sucker without losing any health whatsoever:D. The 4th boss is something else entirely though:?.. The black widow.. A gigantic spider.. the biggest one I've ever seen in a videogame..(and I've seen big ones:|) he had little to no problem in killing me as I was still stunned by it's appierence:?. But I'm sure I'll get him next time:).
Need For Speed Carbon is so closeby:P.. next week I can finally play it:D! The waiting is almost over:). My Steph-uncle (who is 2 months younger than me) does not have the patience though.. he's downloading it as I'm typing this blog.
Speaking about patience.. does anyone know the card game "Patience"? I played it a few times before and I got obsessed with it. Not that I like it or anything.. (I don't, actually) I just desperatly needed to complete it.. just once.. I spend hours and hours playing it:(.. but it paid off:D, I did it!!! I beat Patience:D!
Anyway.. you know I was talking about The Shining the last 2 blogs, well.. I had the original on tape.. and you know what my mom did:?? she taped over it:(:(! (not on purpose, but that doesn't bring it back, does it?) Now I have to hope I can find it at a marketplace somewhere..
Nobunaga's Ambition? I don't have a clue what that is:P. Sounds pretty weird:P. I better reach level 16 fast:P!
euhm.. I guess there's not a lot more to say here.. best regards to all of my friends out there (anyone..) See Yah Later and Goodbye;)