tyrant64 / Member

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playing guitar.. playing Halo.. yeah.. that kind of stuff..

Dude.. playing the guitar is frickin' difficult:P.. as a matter of fact a buddy of mine is doing that right now.. He's doing an awesome job.. I however suck at it:P.. I'd say "give me guitar hero" yet I haven't played that before.. and I'd probably suck at that too.. I'm doomed to just listen to music instead of playing.. Talking about Doom, I had a chance to play Doom3 this week yet unfortunatly the buddy of mine who normally would have it returned it because it was't his type of game:?.. :(.. dammit:P.. well.. I ended up playing Halo2 then:).. not that bad at all:P.. That game would so rule to play online, but the guy didn't have XBL.. yeah.. whatever:)..

just couldn't think of anything better to do then write this blog.. so:P.. yeah.. that was it.. See Yah ;)