tyrant64 / Member

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The Shining (The Original) is also awesome!!!

hello all you fellow gamers and.. non-gamers (which I probably won't find at this site, I probably shouldn't have added that, but whatever:D)! As you might've guessed, I finally saw The Shining (The original)! I think it is an amazing movie, but hard to compare to it's remake. Asassinmario's mom might've liked the original better, but I however find more pluspoints in the remake than in the original. For example, the music.. I thought the original's music was decent, but the remake's gave a whole better atmosphere, if you ask me. Also there were a lot of things missing, which is logical 'cause the first movie was 2 hours long and the remake was 4 hours. But it's those things like Jack Torrance being a drunk, him getting mad and caring with his son to show a little emotion once in a while, and a lot of other things are really missing in the original, too bad. Actually to me, there's only one real upside which makes me torn between the two of them.. Jack Nickelson's performance! He did an amazing job and really made the movie, for me anyways:).

Enough Shining:), back to games:D!
Need For Speed Carbon is coming out next month:D! Whoohooo!! I hope this one is as great as it's predecesor, or even better:D!!! (I hope:P) I heard something really funny yesterday, my steph uncle who is 2 months younger than me, is also very excited about the new NFS, like he was about NFSMW. He was always saying how great he was etc. .. Until I beat him of course8). Anyway, now.. he was already laughing.. thinking he'll beat me with NFSC:lol::lol:, damn that was funny:P, I'll show him8), I can't wait:D!

I finally have a 2nd emblem, not anything special, but it's fun having a new one:). "Vote Rocker".

Look, I know I still haven't written my review of NFSMW, after having written it for 2 to 3 times, I'm kinda sick of it, I'll finish it someday:P, someday..

My PS3 budget went from an awesome 380 bucks to 330:?, I have no idea what did it this time. Do all those small things add up to 50 bucks:?:(, there go my hopes and dreams of ever getting the system..

Alright, I guess that was it:), Best regards to all of my friends out here:D, See Yah;)