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whooooosssshhhh... (okay srry..) Gaming influences..

You know, I'm in the mood of writing something, couldn't care less what it would be about. Lets take "roots" as an example, yeah.. that could work!

My uncle and all the games he used to play play the biggest role in my growth as an actual gamer. lets say, 8 years ago, (I was about 8..) all I did when I was at my grandparents' was watch my uncle play all of his games, 'cause frankly I was like hell with 'em, I might've gamed, but it would be all the easy stuff (don't ask what.. I'm sorry, can't remember..). And I remember my uncle always playing Resident Evil 2. My god, I loved that game.. It is by far the greatest surivor horror expierence I've ever known.. Of course, it's probably best to keep it a memory, I suppose it wouldn't be scary at all if I were to rent it now.. But back then, wow, it was really awesome.. All those zombies and stuff, they really freaked my out.. let me tell yah.. But all of it was kind of a blur to me, I'd have no idea of what was going on, I also wouldn't know what all those creatures were, all I recognised were the zombies.. Everything else was a complete blur.. Alright, being the huge RE fan I am now, I of course know what everything is and does, but back then.. I'd see a Tyrant "Aaaah, a big man with claws..!".. (I'd love to be so young again.. *dreams*).. I could also remember seeing a G-Type, whom drops larvas on you.. I was like "wow.. a gigantic cocroach.. freaky.. and he's dropping little cocroaches from his deformed arm.." (pretty wild.. they should've included those kinds of creatures!.. "moehahaha")

Being that young Survivor Horror games weren't really what I should've been seeing or playing.. (I claim to be fine, but in fact I am mentaly and emotionally damaged.. I can still see giant cocroaches.. "aaaah!!!"). But then there was something else, something I could enjoy without even having to be sneaky about it (I wasn't allowed to play RE2.. hehehe..). The game that really blew me away and still does each time I play it was The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time..! To me always refered to as the very first real Zelda game.. I wasn't aware of the others.. (too late to change that notion in my head..). I loved everything about, of course over time a few aspects got a little less good as gaming industry kept improving.. But then again, in the overall game the graphics are fine, better yet, they - and all the other aspects of the game - are timeless.. I could play the game right now and still be as stunned as I was then.. (expect for the surprise element, though I tend to forget stuff a lot so.. yeah..). I can remember the first time I actually played (I had watched it being played by my uncle before though..) and I beat Queen Gomma. It was a really though fight for me back then, I wasn't really sure of the controls yet and it seemed a bit overwhelming, anyway I was really happy, but I'd have to do it all over again as I saved it on my uncles file and not my own.. Back home I thought "I'm just gonna do this again, It's doable, I done it once before, no problem..".. You couldn't believe my dissappointment when I lost..! I was actually crying.. (give me a break, I was a kid..).. yeah.. it really took a lot out of me.. (to be clear I don't have any problem beating the first boss anymore.. whatsoever.. just to be clear, I could almost see all the laughing and pointing of people who think otherwise..)

I guess Mario was also one the big influences I had gamingwise although I can't say I really think it's appropriate what they're doing to him though.. you know, if you think about it, Mario is like the ultimate sportsman, he can do it all.. He can play soccer, tennis, basketball, golf,, anything.. As I do believe Nintendo's kinda pushing it I do keep playing their Mario Sports games.. I admit they're good, but they just don't make a lot of sense that's all.. nevermind that.. anyway.. the game I mostly appreciated of the Mario franchise'd have to be Super Mario 64..

Don't know what else to add, there's lots of stuff, but I'll bore you with that some other time.. Anywho I did what I wanted to do, written some stuff and know I'm off reading yours.. see yah later guys;)