Ok so I'm at uni whilst everyone else in the world is having half term. But I do get next week off ( :) ) but thats to do essays ( :( ). So I cant really win either way.
Ok so the latest on me, well I pre-ordered Resident Evil UC and MGS4. Now all I gotta do is find the cheapest place to pre-order Haze, Mario Galaxy and another game I cant quite remember lol. Anyway I havent bought a new game since my video blog when I got the PSP slim and Metal Gear Portable Ops. Well when I say new I did buy Killzone and Chili Con Carnage for £10 each at ASDA, and then I got MGS3 Subsistence for £20 off HMV and finally I bought Metal Slug Anthology on Wii for £15. Now I'm gunna buy Mortal Kombat from Virgin for £8! Yes £8 lol. But I have to buy two, so I'm kinda bummed about that. But it is BOGOF. So any guys out there want a MK for £5?
So I'm at my friends house because I got uni today kinda early. And yes I'm living at home. Why? because my stupid student loan messed up and I couldnt get a flat lol. So I'm a real geek, but it does mean I get to stay at my friends house for a few days.
Anyway off to uni, got a seminar on Ireland ooooooohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!