So I'm gunna be off Gamespot for a week. Its not exactly majorly bad, but I've become rather pissed off at GS recently. I feel that I keep getting the raw deal. Its annoying because I want to be involved, but with tournaments saying "Everyone welcome" and then clicking to find out " Sorry only for US and Canada" it pretty much sucks. I want to go into tournaments. Id recommend a site, This sites great for tournaments, and I dont care if i promote another site. They even have a Sky channel, 279 They have tips about online play, the latest games, chats with publishers and magazine journalists as well as tournaments ON TV! So yeah thats why I'm leavin GS for a while.
Also because I have two major essays due in the next 2 weeks. It sounds geeky, but I wana do well in my degree. I want to get the best possible degree so I can become a games journalist. I'll come back onto here with some reviews (after i've done my essays lol) and contribute more to GS.
So I'll see you all in a week (except Tyzervirus who has my MSN lol), if you wana chat its