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Is This Worth Getting?

Okay, so i've heard stories of peoples 360's overheating and dying on them. So i was looking around and i found this.


I don't want my 360 to die after only a week or so and i will do everything i can to prevent that from happening.

Any router recommendations?

Okay, my story is that when i get back, i might be getting a 360 for my birthday.

My question is that, all of you that play on XBL and use a router. What is a good router to use if i want to go on my PC and play on Xbox Live at the same time? I'm a bit dim when it comes to this stuff.

I would ask in the 360 forum. But after looking at a few threads full of sarchastic comments. I thought i would ask people on my blog since you are nice people and i know a large majority of you own 360's.

Thanks in advance for the suggestions.

Bai bai =)

Rainbow 6 : Vegas...Mixed Reactions

Well...i am pretty pleased with the graphics. But the problem is that i think it still posesses that arcadey feel that Lockdown had, which made it terrible.

Here's the 10 minute long gameplay video

Now i have been a fan of Rainbow 6 ever since Raven Shield on the PC. Rainbow 6 on the Xbox was all i played on Live (apart from Pandora Tomorrow and Ghost Recon 2) I was thoroughly disappointed by Lockdown. I rented it. Played it until the 3rd mission, and turned my Xbox off in disgust.

I really hope this is going to make up for that.

The graphics are rather impressive, and the effects are really sweet too.

One thing which bugged me is that they took a gadget from one of thier existing games (Splinter Cell), the snake-cam, and said it was "Wow! Compeletly brand new!".

Well. All i have to do is to wait until i get my 360, and wait until it's released to get any kind of opinion of it.

Bai bai ^____^

Todays Songs Are :
Death Cab For Cutie - Brothers On A Hotel Bed.
Death From Above 1979 - Going Steady.

Hyped Up For More Splinter Cell Goodness.

I recently found 2 videos of in-game footage :

Video 1

Video 2

This looks like it is going to be a gem. I am a massive fan of the Splinter Cell franchise and as soon as i get my Xbox 360 this will definetly be one of the games i am going to purchase straight away. Im pretty psyked about it.

In 7 days i shall be gone. For a whole month. To see my girlfriend.

I'm looking forward to it. Although i am dreading the 16 hour flight. At least i don't have to stop at any places in North America. As the security is horrific. I stop over at Madrid, then i head for Mexico City (eep) and finally to Monterrey.

I've also Changed the position of my taskbar so it suited me more. Neato eh?

Well i better be off. Im babbling inchoherently (sp?).

My grandma went away to the old folks home yesterday. It was a social services move as my mom can't afford to have a part time job whilst looking after her (she has alzheimer's). I will miss her, but she will come home every month or so and we can go and visit her aswell.

Bai bai :)

Todays Songs Are :
Do Make Say Think - End Of Music.
The Pixel Panda - Natalie Merchants New Job.

Shivar Me Timbers! I Was Suspended Again!

Yes yes, shock and awe. It was a 1 day suspension this time for correcting someone who thought "Mexican" was a language...:| It was considered flaming. It's getting a bit extreme now. But hey, at the end of the day, these are just forums. Nothing to throw a hissy fit about.

I actually got a good nights sleep for the first time in about a year. It was pleasant.

I am currently feasting upon some Jammy Dodgers :

The image “http://www.burtonsfoods.co.uk/Images/JDs_pack.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

It's some good eatin' but they can get sickly if you eat too many.

I bought an album "Plans" by Death Cab For Cutie (please, no emo comments) i meant to get it a long time ago, but i never had the cash. I picked it up for around £5 (around $9-10). It's got some of thier better stuff on it. I like it.

I also made some particularly annoying .gifs with a .gif animator, i have no idea on how to use one, so i just messed around.

Well i better go, those games aren't going to play themselves.

Made some tag ideas for my union that is in creation (cmon Cotton, accept the damn invite already! :P)

I made some tags for my new union. But i will work on them.

Desert Camo

US Woodland camo one is in the works. I scrapped the old one.

Bai bai ^____^

Oh deary deary deary. I forgot todays songs.

Todays Songs Are :
Death Cab For Cutie : Marching Bands Of Manhattan.
Death Cab For Cutie : What Sarah Said.

Back From Suspesnion.......Again

Well, i got suspended for saying "Balls" for 5 days....seems a little harsh but hey, i'll just get banned or suspended again if i complain, so whats the point?


I made a new sig.

I'm not asking you to rate it as i know its rubbish, i'm just too lazy to put any hard work into a signature.

Im pretty bored.

So heres a Daxon dressed as a hotdog (I used my superior Photoshop skills to edit it slightly because i was bored) :

That is all..

Todays Songs Are :
Soul Meets Body : DCFC
Title And Registration : DCFC

My Dog Went Blind =/

Just got back from the vets, turns out he has cataracts which is linked with the diabetes he has, i think we should get him put down, there's no way a dog should have to live like this.

On a totally unrelated note, im eating a popsicle. It's good.

CRITICAL UPDATE : I just drank a whole carton of Del Rivo pineapple juice....feeling a bit queezy.


ULTRA UPDATE : IM TOO FACKING HOT some ass turned the heating up full in the middle of June! WHY!?..and my bedroom smells funneh. The scope for my rifle broke because the wall-hangings gave way :cry: why does jebus mock me...WHY!? :cry: Oh and one time i had to poo in my garage. I think it was at Christmas...

INTERESTING FACT! : I'm going to bed. Bye.

OMGWTFBBQ UPDATE : I'm back, whadid i miss?

HEHECHEESEUPDATE : I managed to get the heat down in my room, y'see, there's this new invention called a window, and it apparently opens and closes, letting fresh air and a nice cool breeze pass in and out...neato eh?

Todays Songs Are :
This www.purevolume.com/ladiesandgentlemen
The Blood Brothers - Ambulance vs. Ambulance.
The Blood Brothers - Peacock Skelaton With Crooked Feathers.

Come n' see TEH JELLEH!

The image “http://images6.theimagehosting.com/P6040091.JPG” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Teh strawberryz flav0r....nang nang.

Update : Meh jelleh has a bright idea! OMFG.

The image “http://images6.theimagehosting.com/jelleh.JPG” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Fedz some jelleh to meh fishehz.


Meh jelleh always has to look teh bezt 4 teh occasion

The image “http://images6.theimagehosting.com/P60400952.jpg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

(Yesh, i did feeds jelleh to meh fishehz but they like teh jelleh, tis like.....fish jelleh...woah...)

And no, i had nothing better to do with my time, so i just messed around with a bowl of jelly that my mom made for a trifle.
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