Well...i am pretty pleased with the graphics. But the problem is that i think it still posesses that arcadey feel that Lockdown had, which made it terrible.
Here's the 10 minute long gameplay video
Now i have been a fan of Rainbow 6 ever since Raven Shield on the PC. Rainbow 6 on the Xbox was all i played on Live (apart from Pandora Tomorrow and Ghost Recon 2) I was thoroughly disappointed by Lockdown. I rented it. Played it until the 3rd mission, and turned my Xbox off in disgust.
I really hope this is going to make up for that.
The graphics are rather impressive, and the effects are really sweet too.
One thing which bugged me is that they took a gadget from one of thier existing games (Splinter Cell), the snake-cam, and said it was "Wow! Compeletly brand new!".
Well. All i have to do is to wait until i get my 360, and wait until it's released to get any kind of opinion of it.
Bai bai ^____^
Todays Songs Are :
Death Cab For Cutie - Brothers On A Hotel Bed.
Death From Above 1979 - Going Steady.
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