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Movies to Video Game and Video Games to Movies

If I had a computer virus for every time a good movie or video game has been ruined by hollywood or a video game company, my PC would be on fire by now. I am so sick of seeing this transition get messed up whether it's a movie to a video game (ecesially an older movie) or a video game to a movie it just never works quite right. For example when the FPS Doom (one of my personal Favorites) was first realesed it took the world by storm and revolutionized gaming as we now it and it's predeccors didnt trail off too far from doing just that either.There was even a new genre created called "Doom clones" which were basically FPS's very similar in gameplay. Then in allittle over a decade after doom first rocked our world they made a movie adaption of it. The movie was no Godfather I'll tell you that much. It was a complete flop I actually saw somewhere that it was the worst sci-fi movie ever made and it also twisted and bended the story of the game alittle too much for my taste.A good example of a movie turned into a game is resivior dogs, this was a very good movie created by none other than Quientin Tarrinto, if you ask me the movie was one of the best of our time. Then a gaming studio comes over and takes this classic movie and turns it into a crappy game. In fact the game was given a 4.6 on this very website. So who's to blame hollywood or the video game companies? I think it's both thier faults, for example a the movie doom could have been alot better if they had Id software (the company that made the game) write the script. But what about movies made into games? Well luckily those turn out alot better but a soltuion for the ones that are bad is just to get a better company to handle it and maybe the directors and writers of the movie could get more involved. Well thats my thoughts on the matter but I honestly dont think anything the fans say will get hollywood to stop eating good games and crapping bad movies out or stop some game companies from smashing good movies into bad games.