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uchiha_sakura Blog

HEYYY!!! I'm BACK *hugs chu*

Hola friends :) Oh, i've missed you all sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

MUCH!!! *hugs chu to death :P * Sorry i haven't been on for... ever :(. But we moved to NYC (technically 20 min from NYC...) and we've been moving in and adjusting to this life. Although it wasn't that hard since i'm a shopholic and they have the BEST food in NYC :P ughh i'm such a pig ;) anyways let's party!!!

party_anime.jpg party time! image by killua93 *throws ice-cream at chu, then licks chu* mmm...chocolate... my favorite ;)

I'm goin to be a FLOWERGIRL!!! : )

I am soooooooo excited !!! :D I'm going to be a flowergirl in AllHailNeji and DarkRaiju's wedding!!! But i need some advice since i've never been a flower girl before and don't know what to do :oops: But for anyone who wants to attend the wedding, it's on march 7 in hey-chan's blog!!! :)

I love flowers :) *gives chu flowers*

P.S I love chu Hey-chan *hugs chu*

Happy VALENTINE"S DAY!!! *even though it's 6 days late :P*

You guys are probably thinking why i'm back. It's because i miss a lot of my old friends:cry: so i thought why not come back for a few days:D

So this goes out to all my friends

You guys are the best Valentines EVER!!!8)

And now that i've gotten that out of my system

Lets PARTY!!!:P

anime_pink2.jpg Valentine Anime image by X-Zodiac

[spoiler] *Throws ice-cream at chu* *licks chu* mmm...chocolate my favorite:P [/spoiler]

I'm Leaving! :(

I have to go :cry: :cry: :cry: !!! I'm miss u sooooooooooooooooooooooo... much :cry: :cry: :cry:!!! *huggles chu tightly*

Imleaving.jpg I'm leaving image by Orihime_Chan:cry:


Chocolate :)!!! Lets have a chocolate

PARTY :D :D :D!!!

Animechoclt.gif Anime chocolate image by bi_jewel234

Chocolate.jpg Chocolate bar image by Kyoko13261

[spoiler] *eats a lifesize chocolatestatue of sasuke* [/spoiler]

Thank You garra ^_^ !!!

You are so nice!!! *hugs chu tightly*

tim : i was just kidding about the crush thing :P Truthfully i don't like anybody like that :)

[spoiler] I love chocolate :D !!! [/spoiler]

100th BLOG!!!

This is my 100th blog!!! :shock: Reaching this milestone i realize that... i have written a lot of WEIRD blogs :| But anyways to celebrate my 100th blog, let's play truth or dare :twisted: I pick ... TRUTH :P

P.S Can someone teach me how to make a spoiler :) I still don't know how :(