Couldnt log into this account yesterday (later found due to a keyboard fault) so I tried some of my other emails thinking I may have had a senior moment and had been trying the wrong one.
Surprise! One of them did produce an account but I couldnt get past the password request. So I reset it via the email. Upon logging in I found that the account attached to it was banned! Judging by the lists of games "Followed" it probably had been banned fairly recently. I hadnt made that account.
I wont give the account name used but in the details available I could see that the User had put "Bill Martin" for his name and "WW2" as his location. It was obvious (aided by the account name) that the account had been made to produce a "double" to this Uglyduck-uk account. Major William Martin is a famous name from WW2 and was used in a big doppelganger deception.
It was also used by me and other Administrators at Paradox Entertainment years ago for a bit of fun. (the Bill Martin account is still "alive" there).
So - you are/were a user of the Paradox forums and most likely along standing member there. In addition not many non Admins/Devs at Paradox know about the Bill Martin account.
All I would like to know is who you are (BiB, Johan etc?) and what you eventually got banned for. I cannot envisage anyone of the olde guarde from Paradox doing anything to get banned so I am very intrigued.
Please reply either here, by PM or to the email account you used in the banned account.
I give my word that no details will be passed to anyone else. This is purely for my own curiousity (and amusement :)). If you do know me from Paradox then you will know that I always keep my word - remember when I banned myself because I felt I had been impolite with a forum member?
Hoping to hear from you .....
Thank you for your attention - - - That phrase should make you smile......
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