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Futuristic Harvest Moon!

this may come as a surprise(or not) but I love the Harvest Moon series(yes I love it!) ;)

well....the series has kind of gone to crap but the originals are some of my fondest memories as a young gamer ;P

I'm just going to talk a bit about the games...not a history lesson...more of a what I thought summarized kind of deal in the order I played them ;)

the first game on the snes was very original and addicting.....and it seemed it was only improved with future least for a short while...

the game was a blast

"Harvest Moon: Back to Nature" is my all time favorite game in the series....

out of every game I have ever owned I can honestly say this one was way more than worth the money I spent on it..

now this is true with other games as well but for this one it's especially true..

I spent hours playing this game and it just had such a uniquecharm about it..

I still love listening to the music and going back to it now and then....

sadly after playing a game enough you eventually see everything so there are just simply no more surprises...

this has become one of those games I wish I could play for the first time again(even if it would cause me to waste another year of my life)

then there was Harvest Moon 64.... this game has it's place is my snuggly little heart as well ;D

Harvest Moon 64 was a bit funny.... a lot of misspelled words and screwy grammar..

it's obvious the translators had a hard time or something but all of that didn't bother me at's still a very addicting and fun fact it was perfect for my little "Back to Nature" was a harder game

I seriously think it's pretty much impossible to get a game over in HM 64 ;P (its just that easy! :o)

still a great game though

then the series decided to change it's formula....for the most part...screwing it up....

Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland was a big step in the direction the series would end up....

the view wasn't top down...rather a more close up 3rd person approach

the farming was way different and the awesome chibi dude you use to play as was now a more human like version with a pony tail..

you could also no longer marry(which isn't true for games that came out after this)..

and the worse part was that you had missions(also not true for games after this one)......but not just like jobs...each mission restarted everything in town but your farm...meaning people pretty much no longer even know you every new year

all and all...I was disappointed with this game...but I still liked it...

it was the last HM game to actually hold charm and it was cool seeing realistic scaled people in a Harvest Moon game for the first time

Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life was a good game....I won't deny that....but it no longer felt like Harvest Moon....

it felt like a new addicting game that copied the series rather than a game that was in the series..

the game did a lot of cool things but it also seemed less scripted and the town was kind of dead feeling....

you do get to watch people age throughout the years including your own character which is a plus....

as well as new buildings being added as time goes by...but everything seemed to long for what was going on each day..

I still played a lot of this game and overall think it's a good installment

then the series died...some having good ideas but never executing them in a very fun way....I'm amazed by myself for playing Tree of Tranquility for so's really not very good at all... :/

the games became extremely childish....I always thought the series was kind of leaning toward a female audience but now it's just plain little girl ****/p>

the stories have gone from taking over your grandfathers farm to collecting musical notes and resurrecting rainbows...

it really blows

anyways now I'm playing a game I got for 10 bucks a long time ago but never got to

"Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon"

the game doesn't really seem like it was intended to be a Harvest Moon game but it's made by the same people and has tons of similarities so who cares

honest I'm liking has an old school feel about it

what I don't like about it is the lame name of the island you live on...."Heart Flame Island" and it's shaped as a heart...makes me laugh ;D and barf at the same time :(

also you can't get married....which is lame(at least I don't think you can)

I mean come on flirting with the ladies is a huge part of Harvest Moon ;P

also the cover for the game makes you look like a queeffff

see what I mean? or na? I see it ;D

anyways your dude is adorable in game so ignore that ;D

I played some handheld HM games but I'm not much of a handheld gamer and they didn't leave an impression I much care to discuss so ya....

anyhow I think I'm done....but one more thing....Rune Factory is a lot like the HM series and a very good game as well ;P

anyways if you actually read the blog or skipped down to this last part I thank you for spending your precious time with me this evening "tear" ;( "sniff"

or whatever time of day it might be O.O