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Persona 4

So I watched a trailer last week for Persona 4...

the trailer wasn't very clear on what the game was exactly and I had never played a persona game before... but still I just loved the trailer for some reason...

so I bought the game off ebay...

and holy crap it's amazing... I'm just about finished with it and I have not for a second gotten even the slightest bit bored of it...

the game is so original and has so much style it's overwhelming... its now one of my favorite RPG's and I recommend it highly to any JRPG fan...

sadly I don't want the game to end at all.... but it's going to soon.. it's quite depressing :(

so I looked in to other persona games and I am thinking of picking up 3.... I have quite a few JRPG fans on my friends list so I was wondering if anyone has played both games or even just 3 and if you could compare them for me... from what I have seen 3 seems much darker... what I want to know is does it hold up in comparison character wise? is the humor and character interaction as awesome as 4? I don't mind dark stories.... but I do prefer some light heartedness in the mix ;P

so let me know peeps! ;D

persona 4