Hey guys!
To my surprise I just beat Pikmin thinking I was in the middle of the game lol
Actually I did start to suspect something when the dude I was fighting took a few days ;P
So what did I think?
In a pikmin sized nut shell it was great!
However I wouldn't agree with those who say it's the best in the series
I have a few nit picks with it
1. The pacing of the game didn't set me up for completion. I thought shit was still going down! It's not much longer than the first game if even longer but the first game did a great job building up to a climax even with it's length.... This game not so much which made me a lot less satisfied finishing it(though the final boss was the most intense thing in the game for sure)
2. I wasn't a fan of the controls on the WiiU game pad... Yes yes I know the best controls come with the Wiimote! But I wanted to use the WiiU gamepad as I just got my WiiU and I wanted to feel like I was playing the WiiU!
I use to be ownage at the first two pikmin games with the gamecube controller(not intending to brag) so they made tweaks to the controls that cause the WiiU gamepad to not even work as well as the gamecube controller which is disappointing.
I think what it might be is the new game supports the Wiimote which opens a new dimension causing confusion if your using an analog to move the cursor. Most of my problems had to do with trying to aim at stuff up high and throwing pikmin into the background instead, and trying to throw or whistle for pikmin on the ground and doing it somewhere up high instead. In intense situations this did lose me a lot of pikmin :/
Also what I used 90% of the time during combat in the last two pikmin games was direct control which as far as I could tell was completely removed. It was replaced by locking on and commanding all your pikmin to charge a target at once but it's just not nearly as controlled. Sometimes you'll command your pikmin to charge and the situation changes forcing you to call them back instead of simply maneuvering. If this actually hasn't been removed please tell me.
3. Louie pisses me off..... D:<
As negative as I may have just sounded I actually loved the game!
Why you ask?
1. It's Pikmin.... now the most consistently great series in the universe.... just kidding but it's one of them
2. The new pikmin were great additions! While I think technically speaking Pikmin 2 is the best game in the series I found rock and flying pikmin to be much more unique than purple and white(that's not to say I think purple and white are bad I actually liked them to) but just the way you use them as tools was far different than all the other pikmin so it added a new feeling to some of the puzzle solving. Rather than "oh this color can not die in that and is good at this" they were more like direct tools for specific situations. Rock pikmin smashed hard objects and Flying pikmin could..... well, fly! It was completely new and I loved it(holy crap is smashing things with rock pikmin satisfying)
2. The game looks fantastic! the environments are beautiful, lush, and well thought out.
3. At first I was upset you were no longer Olimar but the new characters were good at making me smile once in a while, plus Olimar was still part of the game!
Alph was my favorite new character. Not only does he look like Olimar's brother his whole body pulsates like crazy when hes standing still.... It's hilarious and awesome. :D
4. They added some cool modes like mission where you can go through new areas collecting treasure on a time limit to get high scores, fight enemies, or fight bosses.
I was disappointed the story mode wasn't coop but the missions are so that's good too.
They also have Bingo Battle and while I do think it's fun I also enjoyed Pikmin 2's multiplayer so it's nothing that new. The good thing about bingo battle is your not forced into an intense game of life and death so more people would agree to play it ;P
5. It's Pikmin.... once again
So yeah that's what I have to say about Pikmin 3.... I wish it was as big a game as Pikmin 2 but Pikmin 1 was my favorite and that one was the shortest so it's all good.
Now time to do some missions! ;)
Oh yeah I bought Tales of Xilia... can't wait to play :D