So I just beat Tales of Graces tonight which is yay for me!(I'll post my feelings on it another time)
But then there was some unlocked extras on the title screen after
Turns out theres actually a whole bunch of new gameplay with it's own plot and cutscenes
pretty much the whole shubang(Tales of Legendia did the same thing)
I mean I'm sure it will be much shorter than the real game but it's pretty cool
Anyways I've been playing it for a while and I came to a really obnoxious realization
The enemies are tough now... pretty much all of them
The problem with this?
Repetative as ballz!
Just battle after battle of actually needing to constantly try!
It drives me crazy!
I mean I'm cool with required full effort here and there especially on bosses
but it's so bad I think when I get to the bosses it's actually a stress releaver...
It's not like my party is being slaughtered or anything
It's more like if I don't try and like set my characters to auto mode for instance they would be brutally raped into oblivion!
It's a real pain... it only recently got really bad though and I'm in the 3rd or 4rth dungeon already....
The cutscenes and skits make it all worth it though(alotta humor and stuff)
But I wooould still be playing if it wasn't so tiring
Anyways thats that just wanted to complain like a big baby with a crap filled diaper
Hope everybodies good!
Thanks for reading