Yeah I thought the video's I've seen made it look scary as hell but I had my doubts. Not surprised about the AI but that is unfortunate.
uglypinkmoose's forum posts
I'm actually pretty disappointed that Hyrule Warriors exists.....
Dynasty Warriors is fun because it's mindless action. But when you actually analyse the series it should be pretty hard to respect it. The graphics are bland, the combat mechanics are shallow, The AI is terrible. Sure it's fun but it lacks almost every element that makes Nintendo games so great.
I don't think a Nintendo game(especially Zelda) should be lowered to such a lame standard. "press A to make link hack and slash the crap out of everything!"
If I'm lucky there will be way more to the game than what they showed.
"So i have a question about some RPGs. Mainly, how good is Tales of Vesperia? I played Tales of the Abyss and loved it, and I've heard from many places that it's the best Tales game. Is it worth the money?
Also, how is Resonance of Fate and Eternal Sonata?"
Vesperia is probably one of the best Tales games.... I certainly think it's better than Abyss but that's just me. Eternal Sonata is also really good and quite an attractive game. The battle system is very satisfying and different. All and all though Vesperia is a really long and open game where as Eternal Sonata is a bit linear so theres not as much extra stuff to keep ya busy.
@Justforvisit: There's Valkyria Chronicles but I'm not sure if that's what you mean..... it's also not that new
I don't get why they don't just pull their heads out of their bums and come up with some games that take advantage of the gamepad in a way that makes people want to use it instead of the Wiimote.....
They do a very poor job advertising most of their games that's the main reason so few sell well.
Symphonia was mega advertised and Xillia was decently advertised so I'm not surprised.
Sucks I finally bought Xillia about 2 weeks ago for 60 bucks and saw it in the store today for 30.
Owell at least I'm supported a good series :).
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