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uknownhero160 Blog

Something I would like to share with you :)

I just feel like writing something for all of you. I don't know why... :P But anyway, my teachers always tell me that I have writing skills, but I don't see it o.o ... So i'm going to take a few minutes to think about a story , real quick, and write it down. So tell me what you think , come on guys :D :D :D! ( a few minutes later, i seriously took a few minutes no jokes o.o). ummmm. well... so here goes... :D:D:D:D

Lifeless as always, I was enjoying a plain cup of coffee and I was lost in my overwhelming thoughts as the breeze of my half opened window stroked my neck calmly.Today was just a regular day, I was visiting my elderly neighbor that I took care of and loved for a few years.Miss Linda was her name, pretty common you might think, but you are mistaken,it is the person that makes the name, never forget that.This magical venerable women had fulfilled many great deeds in her time and I admired her for that.Now that I think about it...i had such a great attachment to her, because we were both forgotten. * * * The next morning, i had to pick myself up, go to work and support the annoying self-proclaimed insects that call themselves ''co-workers''.As my day passed by, I had a feeling that I was slipping away and that the essence of my being will forever be tormented.I was worried...But the reason was still unknown and trepidation was building up in my sorrow.*** 9:50 pm,I left my office.9:55 pm,I was in my car...10:15 pm,I was going up the stairs... I noticed miss Linda's door opened half way.I gently went in...I was petrified, goose bumps traveled through my spine,I was sweating and my eyes were wide open!!! I saw in front of me an 85 year old women face down, lying on the floor. I rushed and checked for her pulse...was she gone!!??*** 10:45 pm the ambulance came and took her.I glared at the crowd crying around her corpse.I saw people that wouldn't even glance at miss Linda weeping.I quickly turned arround and bit my lip firmly and said to myself: HYPOCRITES!!! NOW YOU SEE HER HUH??!!! Hehehehehe...of course you doesn't have a smell...

Then End

Well have you read it :D ! OF course don't forget to tell me what you think in the comment section xD xD!!!!!
SEE YA GUYZ!!!:D:):D:):D:):D

2010 revolutionary ! x)

Well here I am posting in 2010 =) ! So you have to tell me what you've been through ( hope it's great).

Anyway, 2010 looks quite awesome for gaming. Many new games are on their way (let's hope the new Zelda will be coming this year :P ).

Be sure to tell me what games you've been playing and/or disparately waiting for :D .
As for me , I've been playing Call Of Duty: modern Warfare 2 , Zelda spirit tracks, FFCC Crystal Bearers (pretty good , not as bad as the reviews say it is :P ) , Assassin's Creed 2, etc... ( those are all I can think of right now:D). I'm waiting for a few games i'll be telling you in my next blog ( when I have time ;) ).

So anyways, I hope you have a wonderful year!! My martial arts training is still awesome and intense xD!

See ya !!! :) :D :) :D

PS: I really have to do a Zelda Spirit tracks review soon :D!

Its been a while + great news

So its been a while since I last signed in and I just wanted to see how everything was going. :D

Anyway, I finaly got a PS3 a few weeks ago wich is awesome because I really wanted Tales of Vesperia on it and MGS4.:D

My training is going really well and boy do I work hard :D

So tell me whats new like always ! :P


Tales Tales Tales...

Yo it's me :D:D:D

Anyway I want to show you guys a few new upcomming Tales games videos ( you might have seen them)

-Tales of Graces

It looks really great , the main guylooks awesome and the battle too :D It's supposed to beone of the longest Tales games:D and it's for WII :D

-Tales of VS

Wow a versus Tales game with awesome characters. DAMN I hope it's comming out in the US (Graces too :P)

-Tales of Vesperia PS3

I have the Xbox 360 version but the PS3 Version Looks Better. WHY THE HECK DID THEY DO THAT!!!.....Oh wait the money$$$ :D:D:D:D

ANYWAYZ I'm as great as ever:P I hope you guys are too!! PS. I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO ZELDA SPIRIT TRACKS:D


Well...late happy new year + stuff :D

Wow i think i beat the record...:D its been like 5 month:P

But its good to check in once in a while on all your blogs and achievments:D:D:D

Anywayzzz Late happy new year 2009 already!!!! + I heard that their will be an new Zelda game I cant wait!!(damn i have to many games:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D)

I hope your all good and you should tell me all the stuff that I missed:D And if you want you can tell me your SSBB fc, ac city folk etc...........

I have so much to tell you but it sure will take a while especially my training and gaming:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Well if you want anything......IM YO MAN


Wow it's beem a while!!! sorry :P

Wow what's up everyone!!! I'm sure your as great as ever!!!!

It's been a blast this summer:D:D:D:D

My training was rough and i've gotten really stronger!! Seriously though I got injuries and kept getting better:D:D:D:D!! It's been really cool:D

Anyway i'll tell you a little of what a got this summer:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

At my B-day(witch was july 15 btw) I got the red PSP with god of war and Tale of world:D

In august(don't remember when i was really loaded with training it's real cool)I got a big surprise!!! I got an Xbox 360 prenium+wireless controller+headphones+wireless internet connection(you know all the stuff that comes with it:D) oh yeah and DBZ Burst Limit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm waiting for Vesperia:D

Well i'll be strating school in a week:D I'll go check your blogs!!!!!!!! Your all cool:D:D:D


Happy birthday to me!!!yay!!!!


ITS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHATS WITH YA ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ps: Im having really fun training(its tough and cool):D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D