i finished crysis 2 and i dont know what happened to alcatraz ? is he dead (his mind) his body looks alive and i dont think that his body survives without his mind dead
ultatanker's forum posts
heres are the best lan games with my friends :
company of heroes tales of valor
supremme commander 1 or forged alliance
starcraft 1
starcraft 2 (starfriend to get lan)
age of empires 3 (not bad)
planetary annihialation (if you have a good pc dont get fooled by the grahpics )
the rest are fps but you should try them, its fun in 4 players minimum
does anyone know if halo collection coming to pc . gears of war is ,i dout microsoft will give its xbox exlusive that fast to pc
crysis 1 is my favorite .yes the other squels are disopointing in the story part but they made best graphics ever
i watched both halo 5 one of the latest xbox 1 exlusive and crysis 2 and 3 .graphic wise crysis always win
even crysis 1 is not nearly but empressive
why the cryengine made other fps look undergraded
@RTUUMM: i ment GOW assension (GOW4)
no im not buying the xbox 360 for halo 4 , i ment that halo 4 can be a lan choice thats all
xbox 360 : lan party
ps3 : exlusives
thats the point
no need to post about the batteries i said i dont care about the controllers
ps4 or xbox 1 pointless now maybe 1 or 2 years later the old gen consoles still great (dont forget the prices )
ill buy a ps4 when the old gen is dead (means the console broke or its time to move on like my old ps2) its my opinion
i think ps4 will win the next years but not now,xbox one have the most games just like the xbox 360 case but in the future the ps4 will run games that xbox 1 cant thanks to sony choice of hardware
seems xbox 360 + ps3 the best choice. then i will play both exclusives i think the ps3 has split screen for some games that may solve it
my friend have an xbox 360 with halo 4 ,its a good game that has co-op and system link support ,so going to get a console but the choice is hard since 2 xbox provides system link and ps3 and its great exlusives mainly GOW3 and 4
heres my reasons for ps3:
-no need to buy batteries
-great exclusives
-localy i think ps3 games are more commen and easy to find (i think)
xbox 360 reasons :
the wifi and the buttons really impressive
-system link (lan) most importantly
-great exlusives but not as the ps3
-what i remeber that xbox 360 media manegement is better(any video related)
-notes: i dont care for controllers that much,i dont care for xbox live or psn its offline console use only since i have a pc
-what u think ?your comments will help since you guys have some expirence
-(exuse my bad english)
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