@ woonsa THAT WAS AN INCREDIBLE PARRY!!!!!! ok now about the Video Game History Month.I think its a GREAT idea.My science teacher said to me once that "we cant go on in the future until we see our past".Im sure this might be the same for gaming.I am breatfull you ave decided on this Ricardo so thanks.
i need a new psp because my original just died.i was pissed man a red screen saying please contact sony in all different languages. oh Nobri you are right but hey we all still buy their things dont we.anyways this is going to be a good replacement for the original because the THING ONE SUX!!!!!its SO fragile.
this is to 10054254, Would you like to pay $300 for a 60 gig xbox that MAY (and MOST likely WILL) get the 3 rings of death and be money wasted OR would you like to pay $100 dollars more and get an 80 gig PS3 that WONT BURN within the same month its YOUR choice but for most ITS NO CHOICE AT ALL.oh and by the way THIS IS A MUST i have a psp and i take it when i go on trips other then the games i have i get bored so this is going to be great i just hope its not like $400 for this and IF it is it better be a ONE TIME PAYMENT and NEVER have to pay a xent after
LMAO thegame1980 i agree thats actually how it is if you look at the sales on the systems 360 ownes the us and japan IS PS3 ownd but the 360 and ps3 share their respected ownerships with the WII,the WII IS the supreme ruler of sales.....im a ps3 man myself and wii i still dont have a 360 my brother does but IF they cut the prices down i sure as hell will get it cause i REALLY want halo 3 AND fable and mass effect basicaly a bunch of 360 xclusive that LOOK like theyr woth it HOPEFULLY they are.
i just got a westgate 320gb drive for $120.00 u think just cause thhis ssd is silent and gives less heat thats gonna make me buy it HELL NO!im happy with mine thnx s*** $400 gets you ONLY 60gb NOT WORTH IT even for some 1 whos wiping their *** with $100 bills.
i think this is some good info on the anime due to the fact that shippuden wont be coming to us any time soon.this info is for ppl who DONT KNOW about the games or series.And for the Bleach guys GS said "That's why we've started a new feature called Franchise Player. The point is to fill you in on shows, books, or movies that are spawning lots of video games." so IS bleach coming out with as much games as naruto............NO thats why they havent done one on bleach.I think that bleach has what 2 games so unless they're gonna come out with like 3 in the next year or so we WONT get this on bleach sorry fanboys.OH and Naruto is great but shippuden IS WAY BETTER.go SNAKE!...............(only fans would know what that means and NO ITS NOT for metal gear)
to be completely honest i got a ps3 n gta and my brother has 360 n i dont see much dif and yes im looking at my ps3 gta and it looks NOTHING like the pics it aint blurry like u guys show i dont have n HD tv could that be y cause like i said im looking at it now n dont see it THAT blurry but i agree bout the hiccups at high speed
ultima_weapon21's comments