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ultimateavitar Blog

my best games

i am abig fan of rpg games but not any rpg ames ilove the harde ones like fainalfantasy star ocean any title that has taleson it

the hack thogh iam just abegginer i just finished hack gu vol1 and cant wait for part two and ilove action games like devlmaycry metalgear splintercell and ialso like sonic mario

horror games like haunting ground belive it or not ive finished it without a guide or cheating and ilove residentevil ive finished every game that includes it and ilike historial game actually ithink one game and its onimosha ilike dragoonballz games naruto megaman battle network ive finished 1to6 and if anyone can tell me news about hack gu vol2 then emailme myname is actually a machine at one of the games my name is ultimateavitar who can tell me whats my name stands for lets say that he knows what hes playing and on top of that ill call him the king