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ultimategamer92 Blog

Deciding year for Nintendo?

As you all know, E3 2008 is just around the corner and everyone is wondering who will be the highlighted "winner" in the E3competition. Either Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony. Each of the competitors will undoubtly have something great to bring to the table this year, but what about Nintendo? With the Wii STILL sold out almost 2 years after its release with no signs of reprieve. will the biggest thing for them to bring to the table be a wide availability of Wii's for once? Or will they finally pull out a "truely meant for hardcore gamers" game?

The one thing I don't really want to see from Nintendo is just a bundle of more periphrials. For me, I only see two good add-ons to the Wii: A solution to memory woes with a harddrive or the likes, and a headset for more free onlne communication hopefully without any friend codes. I would enjoy an option that would let you take off the codes and have it more open. Nintendo needs to make sure that for this year's E3, they turn away from the periphrials now and go towards more non-lisenced, creative, great looking games, that use the Wii to its full potential both graphically and intuitive and smooth interface.

I don't want to see a new power glove or some add-on that lets you throw your wiimote and it come back to you like a boomarang. I think they've covered all of the bases that really need to be covered. Now more than ever, they need to show up at E3 with both an amazing new game like none ever seen before and new online capabilities and smoothness. A customization tool for your Wii menu etc. and better system availability wouldn't hurt either haha. It's decision time, Nintendo! Good luck