ps and as for torture being a bannable offence, can anyone tell me how punisher got through on the ps2 and xbox, some of those "interrogations" are pretty insanely brutal.
the problem with the censors is that they still think that games are just for kids and as a game puts you in control of the character it becomes their choice to to burn that guy, or shoot that dog, or beat up and rob that random innocent npc on the street. This problem of choice is the sticking point for these censors as they think it can and will encourage impressionable youths the go out and perform these acts in public, and as we all know people have blamed their actions on games ie, that dude in england who killed a guy with a claw hammer cos he says he saw it in the original manhunt( i think that guy was 15 or 16 if anyone wants to confirm that???). while i can see why censors would be scared of things like this occurring, thats no reason to punish us gamers of which the average age is now over 25 atleast (it may be higher i cant remember) the censors need to realize that that industry and gamers as a community are all grown up now and grow up themselves.
lolz, sweet public service anouncement Mariachi, "I just hope everyone checks their testicles for abnormalities as closely as they check these pics. " remember everyone testical cancer kills!
so did anyone notice that the images are noticably not identicle, gamespot if you're going to do a comparison like this you really have totake the images from the EXACT same spots, the player is obviously not in the same spot in both versions of the image. you have to be scientific about this kinda stuff. yeah i'm a scientist : p
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