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Profits not sales!!

Sales ARE the weakest arguement and this is why: Money is what the companies are after, ultimately. Sales usually means money, but not in a lot of cases.

Sony is selling the most consoles and games by a lot, right? But they are gaining the least money overall with their 61B debt. So Sony, while in first place for sales, is in last place for profits.

Xbox, which is a little less than a million over Nintendo in sales, is just beginning to profit off of the Xbox venture. Though they outsell Nintendo by a small margin, they are in second place for profits.

Nintendo, which has the least sales, has made the most profit. They are earning more off of their games and consoles and handhelds than Sony's entire company from what I hear. So Nintendo is in first place for profits.

These are companies here, and they don't just make this stuff for our enjoyment. They do it to make money. Everybody has to have a job.

MP vs SP

If single player only becomes a detriment to a game, then I don't know what is going on. Think about it: we need people to do things with us ALL the time. You've got your cell phone in case someone has to tell you something, your TV to see what's going on in the world, newspaper to check... news, IM for instant talk... We are so dependant on other people these days.

I (heart) Clothes

I heart clothes and everything that goes with them! I spent my weekend last MLK jr day waiting to go clothes shopping and finally I did! Hooray. So I threw out all my old T shirts and stuff only to realize that I hadn't bought very much. Oh well. And since I'm saving all my cash for a trip in March I couldn't pay for any of it, my mom had to... So we went to Banana Republic!

I heart shopping.

My username and the lovely, lovely language of Latin

OK it's established that I LOVE LOVE LOVE latin. But did you know that my username IS Latin?
Umbra is Latin for shadow or shade, which is what the Romans called ghosts (Thanks Mrs B! lol jk omg). SO my username comes from the latin word "umbra umbrae feminine shade". What would I do without Latin?

Probably I'd die.

Now I'm going to watch Smallville.

Question One

Yep I've been doing a lot of big posts lately. So now my question is this:
How do you spell arguement?




Suffering in God's name is called "mortification"; saints do it a lot. And they weren't exactly bad people, for the most part.

Many religions have a peaceful message; I don't see what's so "offensive" about them. I mean if someone wants to pray to God to help their uncle get over a brain tumor, where's the harm? It's benevolent. But if someone is praying to the devil to harm people or bring worldly things (money, goods) and general selfishness (it's in the Satanic Commandments to be selfish and indulgent) then IS offensive to others. So is human sacrifice.

I truly believe in a loving God. People (children) who die very young or innocent go straight to heaven, as the Vatican has said. I believe that He loves all his creation and is truly sad when people choose the other way (and I won't say what that is) and turn away from him.

People say, "Why did God create the tsumani and kill 200K people?" Well, God probably didn't. There's another force entirely in the world and one that goes unnoticed far too often, from a Christian perspective. There's too much violence in the world for this to be ignored, though, and it often is.

People choose their own path; you might say that it's unfair to only give one a lifetime to choose it. But if you die really abruptly, as long as you're free of mortal sin (and there's only four of them; murder is one of them) you're welcomed in. It's actually HARD to prevent yourself from getting into Heaven. We had a talk on sin in CCD class the other day and I realized how tough it would be to get yourself in such a fix.

God is loving, from what I believe. The Bible doesn't condone any violence (and if it does, the book was written thousands of years ago; that would explain slavery and such). Heck (I can't say what I usually would because I'm promoting God here), it's in Genesis that animals were put on earth to serve humans.

I would feel very lonely indeed without God to keep me company. Prayer is a strong influence on my life, from violin auditions to schoolwork.

Why sales arguements mean nothing especially when Cows use them:

Sales are the weakest argument. But they matter for cows. You know why it's bogus?

The funny thing is that PS2's top title sold about three times as much as GC's chart topper. And still they are in debt. A million times a hundred (approximate amount of titles on the list) is a hundred million times fifty (average price per game) is 1,000,000x50=50,000,000. So Sony has made at a very crude estimate $50,000,000 and it doesn't help a bit because 61 billion divided by 50 million is 1,220. Sony would need to sell 1,220 more of 2004 to break even. That's how much it would take Sony to break even-- 1220 more years exactly like 2004. By the year 3225 Sony would begin to profit.

Sony has sold more of each. But they are making no profit. Why do you sell things? To make a profit. MS has been selling for 3 years and is just now profiting. Nintendo, while it has sold the least consoles, has made the most profit. So Nintendo has had the most effective generation.

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