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The Good Old Days...

Does anyone miss the good old days? The days when you could buy a console game for 200$-300$ when it just came out? The days when games didnt cost more than 50$ when they were used? The days when graphics were OK and our game shelves were overflowing? This was before the HDTV change, before this change the middle class could afford a lot of games. Now games cost up to 60$ used, in bad condition. Sometimes I wish we could go back to these days but when I look at lost planet extreme condition's graphics I don't want to go back. But sometimes I pull out my ps2 or xbox, blow the dust off of it and dig through my shelves searching for a game. Then sometimes I go way back and pull out my sega genesis or my N64 and say, "I wish there was a place where you could find N64 or sega games." Sadly, there is no hope for me, these games are out of style. But no matter life goes on, I guess.