So yeah, I realize that the last time I tried to do a multiple part blog series it didn't go so well. But this time I'm confident I'll finish it.
What makes a film great #5 - Acting
Michael Redgrave in his mindblowing performance asProfessor Crocker-Harrisin The Browning Version
Acting helps a movie a lot. It sucks us in and helps us become attached to the characters when an actor plays his part well. When an actor plays his part poorly however, the film loses its sense of realism and the plot, no matter how good it is, will fail if the characters aren't beleivable. Before an actor can play his role well he must 'get into character' and almost believe that he is the character. Sometimes actors have even lost their mind and truly thought they were the fictionalindividual in the story. Despite the psychological risks, good acting is very entertaining and can raise an otherwise uninteresting movie from obscurity up to blockbuster status. Michael Redgrave is the only reason the movie: The Browning Version is worth watching. Redgrave's performance almost moved me to tears in one scene, if it had been a less excellent actor playing the part of Crocker-Harris the scene would have been much less emotionally charged. I won't reveal anything about the movie, since it is easily accessed if you are a Hulu Plus subscriber, just have faith in me when I say it is excellent.
I bet you're wondering why acting is at the bottom of my 'What makes a filmgreat' blog series. I find that a movie can survive without it, take Carnival of Souls for example, an indie 50's horror movie shot on a low budget. It featured all local talent pulled together from the town in which the movie was shot. The acting is god-awful, but the movie is surprisingly enjoyable. It just goes to show that a movie can still be good if it lacks a few of these five components.
Next blog: #4: Music
Now, I will leave you with a scene in one of my favorite movies, involving one of my favorite actors.
Kudos if you can guess the movie and the actor! (This one's a no-brainer)