I fall into this catagory for sure. It's like game, or do I do something with my time that can get my family money. Most time, the need for money wins out. Finish a solo game? No way. A few online quick kills is about all I have time for sadly.
What should you do? Ask a lot of questions. Obviously the most expensive cards are going to be the best, but that's not smart. Go for the second most recently released card. Visit a non generic computer store, tell them your budget, and discuss options. Everyone has an opinion obviously. The fact is, you might as well get some functionality out of the thing. My only advice is to get a good case, good power supply and good venting. Get the inputs you want and need ON THE FRONT of the case. That is a minor yet huge decision.
I guess I'll ask the question. Are you finishing games quickly without using the internet hints or guides? Honestly, most gamers are backlogged. Spending forever on one game leads to bordem. I think all games have different difficulty levels for a reason. Play on the hard level, then tell me that games are getting shorter...
I know I'm late to the party!! Having said that, I'm all over this game now. I hope the prices are cheap. Any game that can scare the crap out of me is worth checking out. How the heck did I miss this game??
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