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Yesterday, I was forever scarred by the sight of Ebay right in front of my face. Ebay, basically materialized, right in front of me. I'm talking about a store a few towns away from where I live that is basically my dream world... And it actually traumatized me. I'm scarred.

The place I saw, entered and looked around was a store called the Video Game Exchange, and it is incredible. They are a store that buys old games from people, and sells them. This may sound completely unspectacular for everyone, and in words, it really does just sound like some normal pawn shop. But no, mark my words. This place is figgin' amazing. It has to be seen to be believed. You name a game, it's sitting right there. Like I said, it's Ebay, materialized. This actually happened to me first hand. I literally said to myself, "Hm... Wonder if they have Super Metroid" Not twenty seconds later, I saw the game sitting in a glass case, right in front of me. I was in shock. Directly next to it, Super Mario RPG for SNES. 60$. My jaw nearly hit the floor. 

At this point, I was already overwhelmed. Ok, then can you imagine me when I saw the big glass case of classic systems stacked on top of each other? Yeah, it goes without saying that I began to cry. No, no, not really, but I probably could have if I wanted to at that point. Looking around in that case, my eyes suddenly caught a small glimmer from behind the glass. A closer look, and I see the word "Saturn" and the word "SEGA" before it. Immediately after I saw that, I thought "NiGHTS!!" If they had a Saturn here, and NiGHTS Into Dreams along with it, I would probably just rob the store. So, I ran over to the giant shelf filled with Saturn games (that's right, the Saturn did have enough games to fill a shelf!) and looked, and looked for NiGHTS... Nothing. The one game that I would kill for, they do not have at this amazing store. On top of that, I am broke at this time, and the Saturn itself was 60$ (pretty reasonable). I had no chance of even getting the system.

There was one hope though. The next day (today) is Easter... And Greek Easter. I'm Greek, so my family gets together every year for Greek Easter. And being with the family means being with the old people of the family. And being with old people you are related to of course means, what else, free money. So, today at the Greek restaurant we went to, all I had to do was sit around, eat, listen to old people laugh and talk, and then get some free money out of the whole experience. Pretty great process if you ask me. At the end of the whole day I made a whopping 100$, enough to get the Saturn, great. But what about NiGHTS? That is basically the only reason I want the Saturn after all. 100 minus 60 leaves me with only 40 dollars, and I already new that wouldn't be wnough for the game on Ebay. It is very rare.

So, I was looking around ebay a good price on NiGHTS. Then, BOOM, I find the best deal yet. $55 for the game, the manual, and the optional 3D controller that could be used to play NiGHTS (It's just a Saturn controller with an analog stick, making it easier to guide your character around in NiGHTS rather than the D-pad). I'm really serious about playing this game. I've been wanting it ever since I first saw it so many years ago, but I've never gotten a chance to try it. Just the whole aspect of flying around freely always intregued me. Anyway, I've got $40, the game is $55. It seems that the circumstances were on my side because I had also just gotten my report card in the mail. Thank god for that. My mom through in the extra $15, I needed, and now, I will officially own NiGHTS Into Dreams (when it comes in the mail)... Only one problem.

I DON'T OWN A SATURN YET!! My mom can't drive me down to the video game exchange anytime this week, so guess what. I have to wait until Friday to get my Saturn. This is because when my dad comes to pick me up to go to his house this Friday, then we will stop by the Game Exchange, and pick up that beautiful little NiGHTS player. The only problem is that it is quite possible the game could come in the mail before Friday, meaning I will have a game, with no console to play it on. The wait is gonna kill me. Well... It's gonna be a long week.