I'm still hunting for the nest big innovation in video games. I think I found it. Go look up Achron. You won't be disappointed.
uncommon1 Blog
by uncommon1 on Comments
I can't seem to walk into a store with the intent of buying a game without it taking up at least an hour of my time. I will pace back and forth between the games, analyzing each one, and trying to feel out the gameplay before I buy it. I am always looking for something different, something new, and something that hasn't been done before. All games just seem to be the same with different character models and distractions to keep you occupied. If you've played one first person shooter it seems like you've played them all. Sure the graphics get better but what do else do they offer past the basic FPS template? Every once in a while I'll find a game thats different or a game that adds a new twist to an old design. Recently I have been enjoying Psi Ops. You might say it adds the element of telepathic powers to a 3rd person shooter, but I've already done that in Jedi Academy. So there I am again, looking at 20-30 games before I can justify making a purchase. I usually end up with a game that I'll play for 5-10 hours, get bored and repeat the whole process over again. Maybe I need to seek help?
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