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Ode To A Shotgun

My favorite and probably the most effective weapon, in my opinion, in games is the shotgun. Throughout most games, the shot gun delivers the one-hit-kill that is so often vital to completing certain parts of games.

With a shot that can hit multiple enemies and power that can knock even some of the biggest enemies on their ass.

In Halo, the shotgun's butt is almost as bad as its bite. With the ability to beat down enemies with the shotgun, you can deal considerable damage to anyone that stands in your way. In a recent play, Bioshock, the shotgun quickly became my weapon of choice just because of its usability against every enemy. The exploding buck could take out splicers a plenty, and the electric buck can stop a Big Daddy in its tracks.

The other uniqueness to the shotgun is its variations. The sawn-off, pump-action, double-barrel, and the list goes on. So few weapons in games have the amount of variations that are all actually good, and applicable to situations within game play. Plus, the fact that most of the shotgun ammunition can be switched between shotguns rather than having to deal with different caliber weapons.

All in all the shotgun, in my opinion is the most valuable, and most fun weapon in games, to take out enemies with ease and have fun doing it.

-RJ Out