- YAY. I am still Kicking
- Got my Nintendo Ambassador "NES" Games for 3DS Today (8/31/11)
- Been list'n/watch'nMusic Videos from YouTube on my iPod Touch
- Still Addicted to Resident Evil 4 (Currently Playing on PS2)
- Been Texting 'till my Thumbs Bleed (not literally)
- Heard Persona 4 is coming to PS Vita; PS3/X360 get'n a Persona Fighting Game
- Still Paying on my House Mortgage (yay)
- Playing Plants vs. Zombies (PC) for Hours on End
- Customers been SO Crazy (@ least have a job I guess)
- Haven't had to Mow Yard a lot this Summer for some reason
- Pre-Ordered Sonic Generations (Nintendo 3DS)
- Noticed been awhile since my last blog
- Read that Gov't is having a Hissy Fit for AT&T/T-Mobile Merger
- I want Wii-U like RIGHT NOW!
- Been playing Resident Evl: Mercs 3D (wish Excella was in there) cries
- Heaing "Rumors" Resident Evil 6 is going to be like in Left Field compaired to other RE
- Seen on "Today Show" they had a frog race lol
- My Friend Agelikki has a few more Songs on iTunes
- Holiday Season is coming Soon -- Whoa! - where'd time GO??
- How is Everyone? Sawri been missing blogs -- trying to comment backlogged Blogs
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