Even though there is a lot of power inside the PS3, I have a few problems with it. First, Sony has a bad reputation with launch systems. Overheating, problematic buttons, and even one source saying that it caught on fire make me wait until they work all the bugs out. Secondly, the steep price tag prevents it from making it a casual purchase. Even with the inclusion of a Blu-Ray player, many people feels that price needs to drop at least to 400 dollars before buying. Finally, the weak launch library make it seems like a wasted potential. Unless you buy Resistance and a couple of other games, and most of you won't, it is not worth it. There needs to be more games before it worth the investment. While the potential is there, currently, it needs to work a lot more before it can be the killer system that Sony says it will be. Then again, the PSP is suppose to be the ultimate portable system, but we see that Nintendo owns that area, and with good reason. Let see next year if Sony can live up to their hype. If not, there is always the Wii60 route.
Dear slicksteve22: That ok. All you had to do was say that GameStop will be carrying them. It is better to give people the full information before going for things like...I don't need to do it either. Sincerely, undox
First off, You said that I can connect my PS1 and 2 controllers through the USB ports. If you haven't noticed, there are USB ports on the PS2. Go ahead and try to plug your controllers in there. Doesn't exactly fix inside, does it? We need a REAL adapter in order to connect the controller inside. Check your facts before you call someone names.
Secondly, just to show their are no hard feeling, I am going to give you a tip on how to make any future posts better. If you know how, you can use HTML code in order to make your text look like the pros do. The REAL used earlier is an example. For your picture, you can use the a href and /a code. Make sure you use the right and left symbols (on the comma and period keys) before and after to make the code work. Try it out on your next post. You'll love the results.
Okay, so we can connect our memory cards to the PS3. But, what about the controllers? Games that use specialized controllers like dance pads and light guns will still need a way to connect to the system. Even is we use a regular controller, PS1 and 2 games have vibration. If we still want to feel the vibration, we need to plug in a Dualshock controller to feel it. Without some sort of connection, we will still be out of luck.
undox's comments