undsioux7's forum posts
I believe 800 MS points. I didn't even pay attention, lol. Just started downloading!
I am also downloading right now too!
Woot! The first time I tried i got an error message, but thought I would give it another shot and its downloading! It won't let me continue like when you download other games, demo's but thats alright with me!!
444.46 Meg
@ 100%!!one11!! I will try it out for a bit and give a review if i can get into any games with the new maps.
if that happens then any xbox fan that said that blu ray is useless will have been massively owned, but it wont happen, correct me if im wrong but wouldnt sony make money off of every xbox 360 with blu ray sold then?linkin_guy109
Sure they would, but its the same as microsoft making money off of sony selling laptops with their windows software. And for some people blu-ray is useless if they don't have an hdtv or didn't want to spend the extra money at the time to get a ps3, especially in the beggining when they had (have) hardly any games worth playing.
We had to go through Live being messed up all last weekend, and now I try to play and same thing!!! So I hear that they will be giving us a free Arcade game because of last weekend...SO WHAT !!! How about fixing the problem? This week they should have got more servers so that doesn't happen, are we going to have to go through this again? And I just paid $50 bucks for this... what do you think about it?-MotownTigers-
They aren't adding servers. They are cheap.They arejust trying to stay afloat until Monday 7th when people go back to work, school, quit playing cause the are sick of the outages, etc.. Then it will "magically" be fixed and MS will scream success. This recent5 mill lawsuit,while rediculous could show this to be the case if it goes to court.
The answer is no. Of course not, they are a gaming company, why would they want to destroy gaming?Yodas_Boy
I think what he means by "destroy gaming" is that EA will water down its product like it has in most of its sports games. There will very little updates each year and they will call it a new game when its nothing more then an update. And then make you pay 60 bucks for this update. You are going to end up with a bunch of generic games you have already played before with no innovation. If they own most of the developers then you will have litle choice but to buy their crap or quit playing games. I do have to give them nhl 08 which is good, but when was the last time they came out with a good hockey game?
...I doubt it. The original xbox only sold around 24 million units. The 360 is at around 15 million right now which is about 7.5 million units per year. At this point there's not a chance it can catch the Wii and the ps3 will surpass it possibly by end of next year if a price drop occurs. Remember too that each of ps1 and ps2 sold over 100 million. That user-base will eventually buy ps3 once the price hits equilibrium. Does anyone see the 360 even getting 2nd place?
You don't think the 360 won't drop its price along with the ps3? Sure they will. Its cheaper to make, and they are not losing as much per console right now. The 360 will always be cheaper. (even if its perceived as cheaper since it doesn't come with an hd player, wireless, or smaller hd. But those3 things don't matter to most gamers anyway, so it is a mute point for most.
I think in3years from now, they will all be pretty close and be winners.If blu-ray loses out, then it willhurt sony. MS can justprovide a blu ray player if needed.
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