@walbo: I agree with both of you season three was my favorite but that weird incestuous sex scene followed by him killing them. It was all so meaningless and mindless I couldn’t stand it.
@bdrtfm: I don’t think Facebook really understands that they have already alienated 95% of their former user base and that this decision will only dig themselves a deeper hole.
@Terrorantula: Well congenital hermaphrodites do actually exist. Not arguing or even saying they were right to ban you for personal opinion just tossing that out there.
It amazes me just how non self-aware FaceBook is. They rebranded it and just like that Facebook bought and sunk a company that broke ground in an innovative new technology. Rest In Peace “FaceBook reality labs.” You don’t even deserve a chance now.
@RaveNRolla: I find games more captivating playing on my switch in the dark while laying in bed. I never beat Witcher 3 though I have more then 70 hours logged. Loved it. I would love to dive back in!
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