@lrdfancypants: exactly!!! It almost feels like he's a robot programmed to auto write shady "articles". I'm not looking for them to fire Eddie. I'm looking for them to reestablish what they think people want to see when they come to the site. Manage accordingly, I know I said I want the staff to have more creative freedom but if there's an obvious issue and the community is voicing their opinion. wouldn't it be better for everyone, Eddie included if they tried to help him create articles people want to read? Or at least help him add fluff while removing the dead weight. Right now 99% of the articles regardless of topic feel like dead weight, The way there written makes me feel deceived.
unfriendlytoast's forum posts
@suicidesn0wman: I appreciate Justin responding. Although unfortunately based on what he has said, they appear to be all for the mass switch from original, humorous, informative content to being a mirror-link, click bait, Tabloid journalism source. Everyday I see an article that contains blatantly false news or information. Or an article of only 2 short paragraphs containing hilariously bad typos (proof reading?). It is really very sad to see a once amazing place turn so sour and flavorless. They are trying too hard, and I fear by doing so they are losing there own identity and perhaps limiting the staffs as well. Id love to see the numbers of comments and views now, compared to a few years back. Its obvious there grabbing at straws and are struggling to exist in a changing age, I don't think they have much understanding of there audience and it shows.
Mind you It very well could be working. Perhaps game spot is more profitable then ever. I would argue that would be only due to the explosion of social media. I think once people catch on to the lack of any substance, and all the gamespot devotees (myself included) move on. They will face the decision to either listen to the community, or close its door for good.
Also I could see the comment numbers being effected by the like feature being implemented and unimplemented randomly over the last 3 years. I think the Like feature is for the best, it is a great way for a Gamespot members to agree with another community member, while also limiting comment rage/agree spam.
EDIT: One more thing I've noticed news from like 6 months ago or older being recycled, perhaps trying to use old articles to get clicks from news for games nearing release? The odd thing is there dated as if they were just released and often contain information that is useless. Very strange. @justinhaywaldasked to supply examples but to be honest I feel all I have to do is say, read the front page content any day of the week.
@suicidesn0wman: I myself am 25, I've been a member forever. I created a new profile in 2012 to reflect my new gaming alias. I don't think what 40 year olds and 20 year olds are looking for are all that different now a days.
@justinhaywald I cant argue with any business decisions on Gamespots side, if its for the best its for the best. Although I hope your all not misunderstanding the problem. I feel your older audience is less driven away by your diversity of entertainment content, and more how each piece holds itself written content, video content, or otherwise. I'm going to bring up a few harsh memory's in an attempt to make a legitimate point. Feedbackula was a nightmare of trolling and incitement for the most vulgar obscure attention driven comments we've ever seen as a gaming community. While at the same time being an incredible social experiment. That in time forced a hole community to mature. I understand why the show is gone, I understand the editor is also gone. I'm not saying to bring it back. What I am saying is I miss the community, opinion, or entertainment driven content of the yester year. Most videos now seem more like pod casts and although I like hearing you all talk about a game organically. The Production value and humor is missing regardless of what age group your aiming for. It feels as if Gamespot is going threw a transition and in that, it will suffer greatly. As with any business. I'm just hopping when it comes out of that transition we will see something new and fun. Its your experimentation its your awkwardness that makes people relate, love, and return. When it all comes down to it when you guys have fun, we have fun. I've been getting that going threw the motions feeling from almost every aspect of your site, and the community has been feeling it.
Thank you again for listening, we all want this site to be our gaming news home. People will often come off to strong just as I did, but there here complaining at you for a reason. This is my attempt to bridge that gap.
The issue isn't so much with Eddie as a person, I feel bothering him personally will not improve the website as a hole. The format of the site has shifted from quality content to quantity. I'm not Trying to insult or throw blame, I'm stating a trend ive noticed for years that has swayed me and many other users away from your once great site. The community should not be held responsible for shifting or fixing the direction the site is going in. Nor would me or any number of people personally talking to Eddie be constructive. You all obviously condone what he is doing and I'm sure he feels he is doing an adequate job. I'm also sure he gets trolled allot, I fear I would fall into this category my words would go unheard. I'm attempting to generate a conversation as you put it among the local community in hopes to create a dialog with the staff that may help build stronger content. I did this by pointing out something the community generally agrees on unanimously but I feel your side stepping the issue a little bit. This site generates the content so I will remain on this site. I don't have a twitter or any of that and I feel like by running to tweet at someone, I am losing any real standing or power to effect or generate conversation from the community and staff as one entity. Perhaps I was a little direct and harsh. This doesn't make what I said any less true.
Your probably right, I think everyone in the community should start giving more true feedback beyond "I don't like the new site" or "the videos don't work half the time" (cause they don't) and start getting the content back to the quality it once was.
I'm not sure why, but this site has taken a robotic lifless click bait centric, instead of being entertaining and informative. Almost every great community feature of the past has been removed. I'v been coming to game stop forever. I very rarely post anything but I've always been a fan. Unfortunately I'm pretty much done with this site I've been trying to leave feedback in hopes that they will bring us back to the glory days. That used to have a unapologetic opinionated view of everything and with her agreed with it or not he seems sincere informed.
I used to be a gamespot loyalist. Unfortunately they lost all there writers with passion and voice.The blemishes like Eddie show so much more clear now. Still though this has been an ongoing issue. If anything the traffic that he generates is negatively affecting game spot, for every person that reads a bullshit poorly written article, that person is less likely to return or trust game spot.
He consistently creates misinformed articles that not only show ignorance toward the topic of the piece, but he shows a massive lack of research and any general background information. His articles always have a misleading title. Every time I read an article and role my eyes or get trolled by a massive information error I always scroll up and low and behold its Eddie Makuch... I hate that generic oh I just go to ign threat, but truth be told everytime I mistakingly click a Eddie Makuch article I instantly
A: lose interest and do something else
B: go right to IGN
I apologize to Eddie Makuch, for saying this but Ive just had this gripe for years and need to finally say something. I know many agree with me, he singlehandedly makes this site less credible.
I played this game at pax, there was 2 computers at a mall booth and a few devs and not many players, then the war of roses booth had a huge elaborate both with lines of lines of people. Needless to say this game is what war of roses wanted to be. Allot of fun im hyped to see what theve done with it. Be exited this is gonna be a fun cheap game.
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