In the end it really depends on preference and how your hardware handles it. Currently using 360 w/ hdmi, on 37" philips ambilight tv. Compared 720p to 1080i and actually looked better in 1080i, no ghosting or artifacting, while my brother's TV looks horrid in 1080i and nice in 720p. so my best suggestion would be to try both settings and compare different gaming scenarios ( color variance, speed, camera movement ) to see what looks best on your TV/Monitor.
If the above tips don't work, ( I'm sure they will as it seems correct ) Try singing into the other end, it worked for this girl.
After my 1st gen 360 crapped out, got a new one, new chipset and hdmi, so far so good. Not a problem yet, seems quiter than my original too, then again... just before it crapped out it sounded just short of a jet taking off.
Psychonauts, truly an amazing game. So glad it's coming out as downloadable. Fatal Frame 2, one of the best survival horror games i've ever played, regret trading it in at EB games, can't find another copy to save my life. Need for speed underground 2 - No game can compete with the level of pointless customization that game gave, though putting a better stereo in etc. was pointless, it was fun. and i miss it. The sonic mega collection/monkeyball compilation, i'm not entirely sure which iteration of monkeyball that was, but it is still by far my favorite, multiplayer story is the best. Bloody roar, always been a sucker for bloody roar.
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