yes yes, we have chainsawed random innocent people in saints row 2. We have watched a guy hold a blowtorch in another guys face in lost and damned. we have assassinated random people in assassins creed. we have killed a 100 civilians in modern warfare 2. And we graffiti a lot in tony hawks underground. The OFLC are such noobs and don't like killing zombies, so they ban left 4 dead 2. This is making me very mad. That R18 rating better come in soon, the Australian classificition board is so outdated. Thankyou Michael "love wii a lot" Atkinson for being dumb.
i was stupid today and decided to buy norton anti virus at the shop because it looked good, safe, "fast", and reliable, but no it's one of the worst, no actually, it is absolutely the worst anti virus in the world, if you are planning on buying norton, save your money, there are only tonnes of good FREE anti virus programs on the worldwide web, but i personally use AVG FREE 8.0, thats my favourite, and i dont care about you anti virus nerds that will probably send me messages saying AVG sucks! and stuff, but thats just what i think the best, so keep the word to yourself
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