I have always wanted to play that game, still havn't gotten around to it.
unkipower's forum posts
25 discs, too many arcade games though, lost count on that, gotta love those arcade games :D
N64 all the way.
Is it region locked?
GTA Liberty City Stories (My first PSP game and still my favourite GTA)
Crisis Core (Don't play it anymore, but at the time I was addicted to it, loved the story)
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (Give it a chance, and you shall love it)
Midway Arcade Treasures (Had it for about 3 years now I think, still play it, for all 3 of the best Mortal Kombat games)
Pursuit Force (Watching the trailer of it with the demo disc that came with my PSP, I bought it the next day, LOVED IT)
My list isn't in order.
Whenever this question is asked, I always respond with "LittleBigPlanet". Not only it's one of the best PSP games, it will appeal to EVERYONE. I mean it EVERYONE.
Well I was going to buy it but I'm worried the online community for Syphon Filter Logan's Shadow would be dead by now. Can someone please tell me if a lot people still play the game online anymore? Also is the online mode region locked?
- great graphics
- XBOX LIVE rocks
- XBOX LIVE is expensive
- Most exclusives are over hyped shooters
- Too many models
- blu-ray player
- Superb exclusives
- Free online usage
- Only way to voice chat is either in game or in a chat room
- XMB was taken straight from the PSP, lazy.
- Giant patch updates.
- first full motion controller console on the market
- still feature classic nintendo mascots from the NES
- Easy modded
- Battery usage issue
- Too many games that are not games. (Exercise, cooking etc)
- Terrible friend's system that consists of large numbers rather than accounts.
Before you buy it inspect it if you can, if it looks trashed and roughly handled, I wouldn't get it. Also I NEVER recommend buying preowned hardware over the internet.
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