So I haven't done a true blog post in quite a long time, and since I've somewhat had a bit of a gaming resurgence since summer started I decided I'd post one and tell you all what I've been up to so far in my free time.
First and foremost, let me just say that I haven't bought a true, new game in over a year. Not counting my purchase of Super Mario All-Stars on wii 6 months ago, as it is not really new at all. The game I got before that can also be argued to be not new, and that would be Super Street Fighter IV over a year ago when it released. As far as a true full priced game goes, I honestly don't know how long it has been. It's kind of ironic, since I used to get virtually every new release that came out.
With that out of the way, I just wanted to say I've acquired quite a good bit of games in the last month or so and didn't really expect or even pay for almost any of them. hey just kind of fell into my possession. It's kind of strange, but pretty cool.
- The first was this guy sold me his relatively new 360 Elite, along with Fable III, for $100. I was not expecting to buy another 360 any time soon, but I'm glad to upgrade from the launch model I was using.
- The next games that I got, both randomly and for free, were Dark Cloud and Namco Musuem (PS). I haven't gotten around to playing DC yet, though I did play a little pacman on namco museum. I technically already have Namco Museum on Xbox and maybe a few other systems, but I guess it doesn't hurt to have this version either.
- A little bit later I was given Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for free from a friend of mine. Did not expect this at all. On top of that I was given the PS2 version of Street Fighter: Anniversary Collection. I do have the Xbox version, but I've wanted the PS2 version for control purposes ever since the original Xbox's XBL went down.
- Another friend also got me a copy of Twisted Metal 1 in its original longbox. I already had the rereleased TM1 in a jewel case, but its interesting to see the longbox version. It also happens to be my first longbox game period.
- Strangest of all, a regular customer of where I work came in today and just straight up gave me a redeemable download code for Alan Wake. I honestly did not care all that much about this game, but then again I didn't really ask for the rest of this crap so I guess I don't mind.
It's kind of wierd because I almost never make impulse buys unless it's something I already considered getting at one point, and I NEVER get gifts. At least I won't be bored any time soon.
In response to my earlier statement of not buying any new games in a long time, I think I'm ready to start buying stuff again. The 3 games that are out that I've been wanting for quite some time are Mortal Kombat, Marvel vs Capcom 3, and Dynasty Warriors 7. At this point, I think I'm going to end up dropping MK and MvC from that list, at least until they drop price; I have enough fighting games, and neither of them are necessarily groundbreaking.
The only game that is coming in the summer months (that I know of as of this pre-E3 typing, you never know what is gonna happen the week of E3) that I know for sure I want that's new is Super Street Fighter IV. Even though I have the first two on PS3, I'm considering buying this for 360. With the whole PSN outrage, along with my fancy new elite, I've decided I will be showing a good bit more love to my 360 collection, I might transition completely to 360 excluding PS3 exclusives. The local players in my town mostly play SF on 360, and I don't play fighting games with a pad anyway, so that's just even more of a reason.
Finally, I have been seriously contemplating importing a PS2 lately. There are many a game that I want that for some reason or another didn't come stateside, and now seems to be the perfect time to buy games are now old enough on the system so that they are relatively cheap, yet not so old that they've started to go back up in price. I'm considering buying some other things too though, so I don't know if I'll get this or not.