i agree i was dissapointed of FFX-2 but first i have 2 play final fantasyXII thn it depends on the ending but thn it depends on if the make the sequel good becuz if thy destroy it like they did wit final fantasy X thn i dont think final fantasy gamez should hav sequels but hopefully thy make it good
i went to gamespot 2 reserve it and i put $60 down so i already payed off the money for the CE so all i have 2 do iz go in and pick it up
I got the CE cause off the case i like tin and it looks betta but i also like the extras and it only cost 10 bucks more so why not can't wait for Oct. 31
I say sora cause sora has magic like cure and he can use it when ever he wants as long as his mp recharges and plus sora can turn into form and if he turns 2 final form links done.
I vote cloud b/c even though link iz good he can't compare 2 cloud b/c cloud has alot more skill and clouds sword is better he can defuse and fuse it 2gether like in advent children and im pretty sure if cloud and link were in a battle cloud would win no doubt bout tht but i like both gamez.
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