unrivaledbeauty Blog
by unrivaledbeauty on Comments
What with my new EGM coming yesterday.... I have a new list of thingies I want. I hate/love that. You have a bunch of stuff to look forward to, but not enough money to pay for it all. Boo.
So now I must look extra cute and buy most of them myself and then ask my mommy for maybe one of them. Bwahaha. Really, I'm not to old to mooch video games from my parents *whistles*.
TV show Battle Royale!
by unrivaledbeauty on Comments
So I was just trolling through one of my friends recent posts and she came across a Simpsons vs. Family Guy vs. South Park vs. Beavis & Butthead thread, I'm going to write my opinion here so I know she reads it.
First Beavis and Butthead should not have been in that thread. It was a bad show. The movie was funny, but still bad show.
Second King of the Hill should have been in there.
Simpsons: Radioactive Donut
South Park: Blankets With SARS
Family Guy: Robotic Peter
King of the Hill: Propane Enhanced Lawnmowers
Okay on to what I think, because you really want to know.
The first show to die in this Battle Royale would be South Park. It is a funny show, yes. But lately all the episodes are either making fun of celebrities or extremely gory for no reason. The writing is just getting weaker. South Park dies when King of the Hill's P.E.L's Run the show over making a hugely bloody and wholly unnecessary mess. Kill count 0
Next to go is King of the Hill. Of all these shows it is probably my favorite, but I also know that it's just my taste. I also think that KOTH is coming into it's run of bad seasons. It's just at the beginning, but South Park is having it, the Simpsons had it. It think it's happening. KOTH dies when Family Guy's Robotic Peter comes in and pees oil all over all of the main casts lawn then proceceds to salt the earth so nothing will grow again causing them all to lose faith in life and commit suicide. Kill count 1
Last on the chopping block is Family Guy. I might get some flack for this but ah, it's opinion so deal. Okay the reason that Family Guy dies is this, people say that The Simpsons has lost it's edge, that's it's not as funny anymore. Well, Family Guy was good for three seasons. The Simpsons was good, really, up until about the twelfth, I think I could be a bit off. Family Guy was cancelled at three seasons. Something I don't agree with, but it is fact. It's coming back but I'll bet money it'll get cancelled again before it hits that ten year mark. So yes Family guy was good, but over the long haul it just wound not stand up to The Simpsons. Family Guy dies when The Simpsons throws their Radioactive Donut into the Drunken Clam and the real Peter eats it and dies of Radiation poisoning, without Peter the show cannot go on because he is and always will be the heart and soul. Kill count 1
The Winner: The Simpsons. I kind of explained it in the last segment, but I'll go over it again. The Simpsons had a number of seasons where there were a lot of bad episodes. But every longer running show has this. Also judging from this season so far I think they may be starting to pull out of it. If you put Simpsons and Family Guy up against each other Simpsons will win simply for the fact that they have withstood.
Nerdy McNerdenheimer
by unrivaledbeauty on Comments
The folly of multiple journals is figuring out what to write in which one while not ignoring any of them. I have three blogs, one I use a lot for day to day stuff, an angst blog and this one. I rarely update my angst blog since I designated it as such. Just with bad poetry and cryptic messages every so often. It's almost my favorite just for the crypitcness. What. Am. I Talking. About? Is. It. You?
This will be for gaming related stuff, whether I just want to talk about what I'm playing or rant about something stupid (I didn't play enough today) or something serious (my memory card ate my file).
So yeah. But hello to my new friends, and hello to my not so new friends!
What's going on? aka think for yourself.
by unrivaledbeauty on Comments
Okay, so Justin is playing Suikoden III, and it's kinda making me mad in that since I've played it before I have to walk him through it step by step. He doesn't pay much attention to dialogue, just clicks through it and is like "Okay now what?" I'm just sitting there thinking okay...
1. You clicked through too fast for me to read/ I wasn't paying attention/ doing something else entirely .
2. You are the one playing the game and I am not a strategy guide. Even if there was a strategy guide (that wasn't me) ten to one you'd make me read it for you.
I mean I don't mind helping. I like helping, but it's always bugged me when people don't even try because they know I've done it before and I can tell them. I mean if it was "I've tried this and this, but I can't figure it out can you tell me generally where to go or who I need to talk to?" Fine that's one thing but when its "Who do I need to talk to? What do I need to say? Where do I need to go now? What should I do next? What's going on?" I just want to take the controller and play myself.
It isn't just Justin that's done this to me, but he's the latest one and it bugs me.
Katamari Damacy
by unrivaledbeauty on Comments
I've been thinking about renting this game. I've heard it's addicive from a few people, and it sounds like the kind of thing I would like... although I think it would make me sick. I could deal. :D
I wonder.
Oh yeah Vicki, if you were visiting for a weekend you could rent Cookies and Cream there, come up and play it and bring it back with you.
Just a thought.
by unrivaledbeauty on Comments
Okay. I have unoffically finished my collection. I know i missed somethings, but I'll fix it sometime.
Yey me. That ate up a lot of time.
Gaming right now.
by unrivaledbeauty on Comments
Okay so I guess I'll talk about the games I'm playing right now and then get on getting to rest of my collection up. (it's huge, I've spent every free dollar I've had on games for years Bwahaha)
So one DDR, it's ongoing. I haven't been playing much in the past week becuse I've been sick and can't breathe. I'm almost at standard now, so that's good.
Pokemon Ruby, I picked it up yesterday for some reason, and played for almost six hours. Woo. Fun.
Harvest Moon. Yeah, my wifey loves me. She calls my Squiggy. I have a chicken named Evil.Monkey . I enjoy that game for all the wrong reasons.
And Suikoden 2. This is probably my favorite game ever. I'm right before Tinto. I have to go back to Gregminster once more and that bugs the **** out of me. Heh. I'm not used to censoring.
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