Actually, I lied. Guys can answer this too.
The question is: when you read "here's a question for the ladies" in the title, what did you expect I would be asking?
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Actually, I lied. Guys can answer this too.
The question is: when you read "here's a question for the ladies" in the title, what did you expect I would be asking?
Yes, it's absolutely true. The 40GB does not have backwards compatibility, meaning that it will NOT play PS2 games. (It will, however, still play PS1 games)
Some other differences:
-80Gb has chrome disc tray, 40Gb's is cheaper looking plastic
-80Gb has a built-in memory card reader that does SD and compact flash, 40GB does not
-80Gb has 4 USB ports, 40Gb has only 2
-80Gb comes with the $60 Motorstorm free, 40Gb has $30 BD-R of SpiderMan 3 free
For a lot of people the differences don't make that big a deal; if you agree then the 40Gb is just fine. Personally I just recently got a PS3 and I went for the 80Gb. I'm glad I did; even ignoring the memory card/usb port/backwards compatibility stuff, for me Motorstorm (great racing game) and bigger harddrive made the purchase worth it. However, if you want you could just get a 40Gb and then put in any old laptop harddrive.
Hope that helps, and should you get a PS3 feel free to add my PSN account unsunghero28.
My band teacher told me today that on Thursday and Friday I would be conducting and leading my school concert band in rehearsals. Keep in mind that Thursday's rehearsal is going to be an hour and a half long. Also, outside of what any regular idiot music student might know I don't know diddly squat about conducting.
Any suggestions?
[QUOTE="AlternatingCaps"][QUOTE="ZomgBear"]Mrs. Fairchild's class?ZomgBear
Nah, Roland, Calabasas High. We're the smoking ban city!
The weird thing is that I have the same exact assignment as you.HOLY CRAP
I can tell you without hesitation that the first thing I said when I saw a picture of the Wii Remote Cover was "Good Lord, that thing looks awful."
Well, I just got mine in the mail yesterday, and believe it or not I find myself NOT completely hating them. Some Pros/Cons:
Well, still, in my opinion the Pros actually outweigh the Cons. My guess is actually that we'll see a second-generation Wii Remote that has colors AND the features of the Cover built in, plus a charger.
What do you guys think? If anyone else has received their covers in the mail, please share your thoughts.
So the other day my brothers and I were playing SSBM for the GC on the Wii. We had it in vertical position and with wired controllers plugged in. Of course, misfortune of misfortunes, one of us stepped on a GC controller. The rest you can probably imagine; the thing scratched against our DVD player before falling, completely unplugged, to the carpeted floor below. I was in panic, not wanting to see my $250 baby hurt. Well, it worked (so I thought) just fine afterwards. No problem except a couple nasty scratches on the side with the Nintendo logos
Oh, so wrong I was.
Slowly we started realizing that the thing was making a ton of noise. With physical media in it sounded like- well, an X360. The best way to hear the sound is by going to the video of a similar situation here:
It's OK, we thought. Just some noise. Sure, it's supposed to be almost dead silent, but we can handle a bit of noise. Maybe we just didn't pay enough attention before?
Of course, next time we get a look at Wii Sports it's mechanically scratched. Lines etched into the disc are on 1/4 of the disc, going almost in a revolution around the disc's center.
Anyone else have a problem like this? I guess I'll have to get the thing repaired...
Try looking really closely at their Wiis with light reflecting on it; are there any scratches on it? Mine has quite a few, and a couple are particularly nasty. Is there any homemade way to remove scratches, or an official Nintendo service to replace the Wii's original plastic case? Seeing the thing damaged just bums me out a bit, and it would be great if there were a way to fix the problem.
I got mine because a friend called me and told me he had got his from Toys R Us an hour earlier. Of course we made a mad dash to get there and got the VERY LAST ONE.
Well, he also called another guy. Wouldn't you know, the other guy showed up 2 minutes later and left Wii-less and a tad pissed at yours truly...
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